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"There you are!" Jace slapped me on the back. "Man, I've been looking for you for the past ten minutes. Have you seen the girls? They're somehow even hotter this year, right? I think you should ask Becca out. I get Rachel. They're friends so then we can be each other's wingmen."

"Yeah, maybe." I said as I snuck a glance back at Magnus who was watching me with a confused expression. I quickly looked away and followed Jace inside the main building.

"So, what was going on with you and that guy over there?" Jace asked as we went to the desk that would have our schedules.

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to act calm.

"I mean what I asked." Jace told the lady at the desk his name and she started to look for his schedule.

"Nothing. We were just talking." I said and then told the lady my name.

"Okay. Is he cool? He looks like a tool." Jace took both of our schedules from the lady and started looking over them. There was something that he wasn't telling me. I could tell that much. Did he know Magnus? Did he know why I was talking to him?

"Why would you say that?" I asked suddenly feeling protective of Magnus.

"I don't know." He waved it off as if it was nothing but knowing Jace there was something behind his dislike for Magnus. It was hard to get on Jace's bad side, but even harder to get back from it.

"Well he seems cool." I pushed and tried to grab my schedule but Jace held it out of my reach.

"No way. I get to check first. It's my turn." He laughed as he held it still out of my reach. He wasn't taller than me but he was bigger; he was a linebacker for our football team. I was more of a wrestler and even for that I wasn't the best because of my height. At 5'11 it was hard to find someone well matched for me to wrestle which was one of the reasons I had switched over to mixed martial arts over the summer. That and it was much more fun.

"Dick." I said sarcastically.

"You're just jealous." He shot back as he attempted to read our schedules from an arm's length away.

"Of the fact that you're a dick? No. Or do you mean that I'm jealous that you need glasses?" I asked and jumped so I could rip my schedule out of his hand.

"Shut up." He shoved me but laughed. Jace had been my best friend since we were 9 and even back then we acted more like brothers than friends He was at my house just as much as I was at his. We even built a tree house together in our backyards which were connected in the back. We didn't go up their much at all anymore, but it was still important to us both. I remembered two years ago when our parents told us that they wanted to knock it down so they could put up a fence or something else, so we had slept in it for a whole week until they gave up.

"We have three classes and homeroom together. That's not bad." He shrugged.

"Yeah, it'll be fun." I looked at his schedule and laughed. "Why are you taking Pilates?"

"The girls obviously." He smirked and looked at mine. "Weight training? Really? You know you'll be surrounded by sweaty guys all the time with no hot girls, right?"

I was hoping for that but also it would help with my fighting. "Well maybe some of us actually pick our classes based on what we want to learn."

"Yeah, whatever. I just want to see some tight asses and get some easy A's." He shoved his schedule into his pocket. "Wanna go get a burger?"

"My parents are here." I saw Magnus at the desk to our left and tried to not watch him as he bent over to talk to the lady at the desk. My eyes trailed down his body until he turned around and looked right into my eyes. He knew! I blushed and turned away.

"So, text them. They won't care." He said and honestly they probably wouldn't, but I wasn't ready to leave. If I were being honest I wanted to stay because of Magnus; there was something about him that drew me to him and I wasn't sure how I felt about it yet.

"Nah, how about I come to your house in an hour?" I offered a solution that would work for both of us.

"That works, but I get to drive." He clapped my on the back again. "One hour, don't be like your parents and forget that time exists."

"Do I ever?" I gave him an annoyed look.

"Yes, you do." He laughed. "See you at 12:22."

"Okay, okay. Just go." I laughed with him and shoved him out the door. He flipped me off and jogged away.

"Now I get it," Magnus whispered in my ear. How did I already recognize his voice so well?

"What?" I turned around to face him, confused. What could he possibly have gotten from my conversation with Jace? He didn't know did he? Of course not. Nobody knew anything not even Izzy.

He raised an eyebrow at me like he was waiting for something to sink in but I just gave him a blank look.

"You're with him; that guy that just left." He said matter-of-factly.

I choked on my own spit and he slapped my back as I continued to cough. I shrugged him off and stepped away. He apologized a couple of times but I didn't really hear him. I was aware of the people staring at us though. I quickly went down the hall while trying to stop my coughing and went into the bathroom.

The door opened and closed behind me but I ignored it. I turned on the farthest faucet and cupped my hand under the stream of water before taking a drink. I finally stopped coughing and dried off my hands. When I looked into the mirror I saw that Magnus had followed me. He was leaning against the bathroom door and watching me carefully.

A/N Do you think Jace and Magnus know each other? What happened? Or is Jace possibly jealous of the attention Alec was giving him?

The Truth About Magnus (Malec AU)Where stories live. Discover now