Partner Trade

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The next couple of months fly by and before I know it it's October. Magnus and I have been meeting in the closet whenever we can and after the first week or so we don't only make out. It's kind of strange. We talk about everything and anything. We sometimes even just sit in silence. He works on art projects and I read. It's a feeling that I've never felt before and it terrifies me. We are able to have silence between us without a single shred of tension.

"Alexander," Magnus's voice drifted into my dreams. "The bell is going to ring in about 2 minutes."

"Why?" I mumbled and opened one eye to see Magnus leaning over me, a hand against my cheek.

"That's how school works. They ring a bell and we come running. It's our own pavlovian hell." He pulled his hand away and sat up. "You were snoring."

"I don't snore." I shook my head and sat up, quickly closing the textbook that I had drooled onto.

"You did and don't worry it was cute." He mimicked a soft snoring sound.

"Asshole." I shoved him playfully and rolled my eyes.

"Aren't we feisty today?" He chuckled.

"Go out with me." I demanded, a lot harsher than I planned for it to come out.

"Alec," Magnus frowned slightly. "You know how I feel about that. I want to, but only when you're ready to be out. Once we go out there is no going back. People always think they can keep a secret and you can in a closet, but once you step out the truth follows close behind."

I tried to say that I was ready. I opened my mouth and closed it. I'm sure I looked like a fish out of water. Why couldn't I do it? Why did I have to be like this? I loved – wait, did I love him? No, it was just a phrase, like I love pizza. Yes, I loved him like pizza. I couldn't imagine a world without pizza. Shit, I'm screwed.

"Alexander?" Magnus asked knowing full well that I was over thinking. "It's okay. Really."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"Will you come over to my house?"

"What about your parents?"

"They're out of town."

"They are, are they?" He winked.

"Um, maybe that's a bad idea." I blushed. "I'm not you know?" I motioned between us.

"Ready?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "Don't worry. I'm not either, like I could be, very ready. But that's something we're not doing or even discussing until we're both out of this closet."

"Right." I blushed even deeper. Were we really talking about this so easily?

"What time?" He asked as the bell rang.

"I have practice after school." I said trying to focus on the conversation at hand.

"I'll be there at 6. With dinner." He patted my belly. "Got to keep my man fed."

He winked again and left me with my jaw hanging open. Was I really his man? No, you idiot. That's just something people say. Jace wouldn't say that. Right? He wouldn't. I closed off my heart and ran to class before being late. I hurried to take my seat next to Jace and turned to look past Magnus. Magnus smiled at me because he knew I was really just looking at him.

"Class, it's that time again." Ms. Blackthorn announced to which the entire class groaned. "Ah, don't sound too excited."

"And this is why she goes home alone every night." Jace whispered to me.

As usual I had ignored him but laughed. "Of course man."

"Mr. Lightwood and Mr. Herondale!" Ms. Blackthorn clapped her hands to get the classes attention. "Both of you have detention."

"What?" I asked as Jace went for the gut. "It's not my fault and we have practice."

"I expect this from Mr. Herondale, but Mr. Lightwood I am disappointed." She seemed to be deciding what to do.

"Jemma," Ms. Blackthorn said loudly. "Come take Jace's place."

I looked back even though I already knew who that meant his new partner was going to be. Magnus looked shocked. Jace laughed out loud. "Ms. Blackthorn I can't sit in the back. Sorry love, but I haven't been able to sit in the back since first grade. My teacher said something about "hellion, demon", something like that. If you want me to act better I should probably stay here."

"Oh you little shit." She muttered under her breath far too loudly. Jace smirked but his eyes told me the truth. He was doing this so I could sit next to Magnus. I had to hand it to him he was a great friend. He could be an idiot but, right now he was my savior.

"Alec, get your ass back there with Magnus, Jemma, you're in Alec's place, Simon, Jace's place and Jace, you will be right here," she patted the spot that Simon was vacating which was next to Clary, "so I can keep an eye on you. But first, go to the principal's office."

"Sure thing boss." Jace saluted and walked out. "And that class, is how you get out of a pop quiz." He bowed and walked backwards out of the classroom.

"It wasn't a pop quiz. It was time to clean the equipment." Ms. Blackthorn glared, exasperated.

"Well shit." Jace chuckled along with the entire class.

"That is one way to make an exit." Magnus whispered when I took my new seat next to him.

"He sure knows how to live in the spotlight." I agreed with a smile. I tried to stop smiling the entire class period but I couldn't. It was like there was a wire holding my lips in the stupid expression. Magnus and I were stuck with cleaning the big beakers but who cared as long as I got to be with Magnus out in the open without it being a thing. We were just two normal guys in science class.

"Is your coach going to be pissed about the detention?" Magnus asked me a couple of minutes later while he took the clean beaker from me to dry and put away.

"Probably." I shrugged.

"I'm sorry." Magnus grabbed the next beaker making sure to slide his pinky across my pointer finger.

"Don't be." I shrugged again. "It's my own fault."

"No, I mean I'm sorry that I'm glad this happened." Magnus smiled.

"Me too." I smiled back then locked my gaze back on the beaker in my hands.

The Truth About Magnus (Malec AU)Where stories live. Discover now