Two Guys Hanging Out

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Later that same day, after detention and practice, I end up running around my room like a chicken with its head cut off. I made my bed, which I haven't done since I washed the sheets at least 3 week ago. Do I need to wash them? How often are you supposed to wash sheets? I ripped the comforter back and took a whiff. They're fine. Why does it matter? He's not going to be in your bed.

Right. I tucked the blanket back into place and started picking up everything in my site. I tossed all that I could into my closet before shoving it closed. I am such a slob. How did I never notice that before now? Now is not the time! You need to get your shit together Lightwood. He is on his way over. I glanced at the clock to see I only had 10 minutes. Shit, shit, shit!

"I need to shower!" I kicked a couple more things under my bed and jumped into the shower turning it on too quickly. Once the freezing cold water hits my clothes I remember that I already showered and now I have soaked the one outfit that Izzy says looks nice. I turned off the water and peeled my slacks and blue button up shirt off.

"Now what do I wear?" I opened my closet without thinking and am hit by a tidal wave of almost everything I own. "Fuck!" I yelped as I slipped on a bouncy ball. My shoulder smacked into the carpeted ground.

A knock at the door pulled my attention away from cursing myself out. He's here! I hurried to get up, grabbed my pants from earlier today, and the first shirt in my dresser that I could grab. "Coming!" I called out as I ran down the stairs. I stopped, went back up, slammed my door and ran down the stairs again.

"Are you okay?" Magnus asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Yeah, sorry, I was just working on something." I said, and felt a blush creep up into my cheeks. This was the first time Magnus and I would have dinner together, like a normal couple. Instantly, my hands were clammy and my heart raced faster than a thoroughbred running a race.

"Are you going to let me in?" He asked with that familiar twinkle in his eyes. He knew I was freaking out. "Alexander, there's no pressure. We're just two guys hanging out."

"Alone, in my house." I added then my eyes went to his perfect smile. "Very alone."

Magnus must have realized that I wasn't going to move on my own anytime soon. "How about you show me where the kitchen is?" He grabbed my shoulders, gently pushed me to the side of the doorway, and walked in. As soon as the door closed it was like an alarm went off in my mind waking me up.

I grabbed the collar of his leather jacket and yanked, hard. He fell against me as my lips found his. He stayed frozen for a moment but just as I was pulling away his arms wrapped around my waist. His mouth opened and my tongue sought the heat coming from him. His hands went under my shirt. His short nails scratched against my skin causing my to moan into his mouth.


We both stumbled to the ground when the door slammed into my back. I landed on Magnus and not in the way you want to land on your boyfriend. He grunted and I winced.

"What the fu-." I looked up and saw Jace standing above us. He looked guilty.

"Sorry, man. I thought you were going to Magnus's." He shrugged and held out his hands for both of us.

"I need a minute." Magnus groaned, sitting up slowly.

"Then why are you here?" I asked Jace as I patted Magnus's knee in apology.

"To use your cable." Jace smiled and looked between us. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine." Magnus said in a voice that wasn't quite his own. "Just next time, maybe you could knock?"

"Or, here's a thought. Don't make out in front of the door." Jace shrugged then saw a bag on the ground. "You picked up Green Tiger's Takeout. I love that place." Jace picked up the bag and started riffling through the takeout containers.

"Jace, why are you still here?" I demanded of my friend.

"What? I'm hungry," he said with his mouth full of eggroll.

"Who's ready to watch some Vikings kill a bunch of people?" He asked then used his fingers to drop some noodles into his mouth.

"Jace! Get out!" I shouted and snatched the food out of his hand.

"Geez!" Jace held up his hands in surrender then grabbed a random container. He jumped out of my reach and opened it. "Damn vegetables. Who pays for vegetables?"

He glared at Magnus who had finally stood up. "Sorry, next time I'll remember to consider you when buying food for my date."

"It's the least you could do." Jace agreed and tossed the container to Magnus. "I like chicken and beef. I'm not into pork, but I'll eat it. Eggrolls though? Godsend."

"Got it." Magnus chuckled.

"Jace! Leave!" I hissed just as Magnus said, "Want to join us for dinner?"

"I'd love to." Jace stuck his tongue out at me. "At least one of you is a gentleman."

"And one of us is a dick." I glared at my best friend.

"Seriously Alec, all you need to do is lighten up." Jace did the dumbest thing he could do in the moment, he booped me on the nose, sound effect and all. In that moment I forgot about embarrassment, Magnus, and everything but killing my best friend.

I grabbed his arm and twisted, hard. He yelped and sank to his knees. He recovered from the shock quickly and kicked out making me lose my footing. I fell on top of him and he rolled us so that he was on top of me. He tried to grab my arms but I used my hips to push him up. Then I wrapped my leg around his and pinned him to the ground. He was scrappy, but I was stronger because I was pissed.

"Ouch." He squealed as I kneed him in the gut. We continued wrestling until we heard clapping. My eyes nearly shot out of my face. Oh my, no, Magnus saw all of this.

"And that my friends, is why I thought you were a couple when I first met you." Magnus laughed around the piece of chicken in his mouth.

A/N Hope you liked this newest update! Also, exciting news, I've published a book that's available through Amazon as an ebook. It's called Glitter and Hate. If you love Malec then you'll love Dyson and Caleb. 

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