Orientation With the Parents

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"Bye Alec." Izzy hugged me. It was the Saturday before school started for both of us, but lucky for her she was going to college while I still had another year of high school.

I kissed her cheek. "I'm going to miss you sis."

"I know." She gave me a cheeky grin and rolled her eyes. "I'll miss you too I guess."

"You'll forget about me within a week." I teased, but was scared that it would be true.

"No way. We'll talk every day. I mean who else am I supposed to go to with my guy troubles?" She hugged me again.

"I don't know maybe one of your girlfriends."

"You know I don't have those. They're the worst." She joked and got in the old blue car we had been sharing until now then rolled down the window to give me a serious look. "Alec?"

"Yes." I raised an eyebrow in the way that usually annoyed her but she ignored it.

"Please remember to not be too good. You need to have some fun still even when I'm gone." She waved at our parents who had walked out on to the porch. "They might be opinionated but they will love you no matter what."

"We'll see." I said because I knew she wouldn't go until I gave her some sort of reassurance.

"Good, and seriously you can call me at any time if you need to talk about anything." She put her sunglasses on, waved a final time and sped out of our driveway. Her words sunk in as I stood there. They made me think that maybe she knew my secret, but I shook my head. There was no way she could know. I was too good at lying.

"Alec, are you ready to go to orientation?" My mom asked from the porch where she was standing with her back to my dad's chest and his arms wrapped around her. Looking at them felt like a papercut against my heart. I would probably never have what they had.

"Yeah." I walked to the garage and put in the code to open it. My dad locked the door and then he and my mom got in our SUV and I got in the back. My school always had an orientation right before the school year started so we could get our schedules and wander the halls, even meet teachers before class started if we wanted. I thought it was a waste for seniors. I already knew where most classes were and even I didn't it wouldn't take much to figure them out.

"Will an hour be long enough?" My dad asked as he pulled into a parking spot towards the back of the overfilled parking lot. There are parents, students, and kids hurrying around just like ants. I hate it. I've never liked being surrounded by people, especially stressed and confused ones.

"Dad, five minutes would be enough time. I just need to grab my schedule." I said with my hand on the door handle, not quite ready to open the door.

"Alec, we want you to go meet your teachers, that's the whole point of this day. It'll be better if they already know you." He said in his doctor's voice. He used to be some bigtime surgeon but after he got in a car accident when my mom was pregnant with me and he lost the feeling in a couple of his fingers in his right hand so he moved with my mom and sister to this town and became a family doctor. He told us that he was much happier, but I had to wonder if he really was.

"I will." I said begrudgingly. "But I don't want to walk around with you two. I'm a senior and it's just embarrassing."

"Deal. We'll just go wander around and talk to the other parents." My dad agreed.

My mom nodded her head. "I think they're going to have a little get together for us parents anyway."

"Okay, but only an hour right?" I asked because sometimes my parents seemed to forget how to tell time. It was as likely for them to be an hour early as it was for them to be an hour late. People were more surprised when they were on time rather than early or late.

"Yes, I have to get into the office for a bit today." He put a timer on his phone which proved how serious he was.

"Meet you at the car in an hour then." I hopped out of the car and pulled out my phone. Jace was supposed to be here today, but he hadn't responded saying he had pulled up yet.

A/N The next chapter is "Well That's One Way to Meet". Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting! I'd love to know what you think. Do you want more?

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