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"You're kidding. What's the truth?" I finally said after letting Magnus's admission sink it. 

"I'm not. Honestly, my boss is going to kill me when he finds out I'm telling you this." Magnus said, looking over at me. His eyes looked so serious, but it couldn't be possible. First, Jace would have told me, right? Then again, he had been trying to in his own messed up way.

"Then why are you telling me?" I asked watching his reaction closely. I had always been good at reading people, or so I thought.

"Because I'm an idiot." Magnus dropped his head into his hands. "Shit!" He slammed his hand against the middle console. "I need to go. Where can I drop you off?"

"Are you forgetting that it's my car?" I Aasked him laughing nervously. 

"No, but I need to borrow it and you need to get out. I'm really sorry, but this can't continue. Can I bring it back to you tomorrow?" Magnus asked me and I was shocked. Was he fucking serious?

"No. You can't just take my car." I demanded. Maybe Jace had been right. Magnus was acting crazy. "You should go."

"Where?" Magnus motioned to the darkened sky.

"Back to your cops." I shrugged.

"You don't believe me." Magnus said it without a hint of question.

"I hardly know you. I'm sorry, but I need to go pick up Jace." I said with a slash of regret.

"No way. I need to know that you won't tell anyone." Magnus grabbed my hand and I pulled away from him.

"I won't tell anyone about your fantasy life, Magnus. Now get out."

"Fine." Magnus shook his head and left. Honestly, I couldn't decide if I was more upset or relieved by his departure. He leaned back in. "Just so you know, I really enjoyed kissing you."

I blushed. "It didn't mean anything."

"Sure, just like this doesn't mean anything." Magnus said and frowned. 

"What?" I asked but he cut off my other thoughts when his lips met mine. He swiped his tongue over my lips causing me to moan from surprise. He used that reaction to plunge his tongue into my mouth. I fought his tongue with my own, but instead of pushing him away like I planned to I tried to pull him closer. 

His hands reached around my neck as he nibbled on my bottom lip before kissing it better. He pulled away a few minutes later leaving me breathing deeply. "By the way, I lied about the cop thing. I just wanted to see what you would do with that information. Your friend hates me because he's a dick and well I did help get his dad arrested. Bye, Alexander." Magnus walked away without a single glance back and I dropped my head against the car. What the fuck was I getting myself into?

I took a couple of minutes to catch my breath and to force myself to keep from running after the guy who had taken up every corner of my mind. Why would he say he was a cop then say he lied? Which part was the truth? Could I trust him? Probably not. Did I want to see him again? Hell yes.

I drove back to the party and saw Jace sitting on the curb. "Get in," I said and opened the door for him.

"Where's the douche?" Jace asked as he got in.

"Getting in my car." I smiled at him.

Jace laughed. "I deserve that." Jace reached over and touched my cheek. "You're going to have one hell of a shiner."

"Is that your way of apologizing?" I asked him.

"No, well yeah." Jace frowned. "That guy, he just brings out the worst in me."


"Didn't he tell you?"

"No," I tell him honestly because I still have no idea what Magnus had really said.

"He's a snitch. He got my dad arrested. But, not just that. His sister, I was kind of dating her this summer and he made her break it off because he thought I wasn't good enough for her."

"What? You didn't tell me about a girl?" I felt a ping of pain.

"Like you didn't tell me about being into guys?" Jace demanded and I felt a sudden chill overtake me. How did he know? Had he seen me kiss Magnus? Had he known even longer than that?

A/N Ahh! What do you think? What's up with Magnus? How did Jace find out? Sorry about taking so long to update! I'll be making a schedule so that it will be more often! At least once a week!

The Truth About Magnus (Malec AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz