You Can't Get Away That Easy

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"Hey, is it cool if I go to Jace's. I have my schedule." I said when he answered.

"Have you met with your teachers?" He asked.

"The ones I don't know that weren't too busy." I lied.

"All right. Don't stay out too late." He said.

"Thanks." I hung up my phone then realized I didn't have a way to get home. "Well shit."

"Need a ride home, not friend?" Magnus asked with a snarky voice from over my shoulder.

"No. I'm fine." I folded my schedule and shoved it into my back pocket. I could just call Jace and make him come pick me up or I'm sure I could find one of our other friends here.

"Hey Alec!" Becca yelled over the voices in the crowded hallway. "Jace said you were here! It's so good to see you." She leapt into my arms and would have kissed me on the lips if I hadn't turned my head at the last second. She had always been touchier than I liked.

"Hey Becca." I tried to pry her off of me.

"I haven't seen you since Jacob's party. You were supposed to call me." She tsked me and ran her nail over my chest. She pressed hard enough that I knew there would be a mark.

"Oh right, sorry about that." I shrugged.

"Becca?" Magnus asked from behind me.

"Yeah." She sounded annoyed then must have seen him because her voice became husky again. "And who are you?"

"Magnus." He put out his hand to shake hers but she hugged him instead. He winked at me over her head but I had no idea why.

"You must be new because I would have remembered seeing you before." She played with her red hair, twisting it around her purple nails.

"Yeah, I just moved here." He said but had his eyes on me still. "I was just thinking that I needed to make some new friends so I could get in on what happens here in this great little town."

"Oh, well I could show you around." She twisted her hair around her finger so tightly that I thought the tip of her finger was going to pop off.

"That would be great, but unfortunately I'm already giving Alec here a ride home." He looked truly bummed but then when she looked back at me to pout he winked and I knew that this was a game to him.

"He can get a ride home with Jace. You deserve to get the proper tour." She cooed.

"Alas, Jace already left. But thank you darling." He smiled at her then clapped me on the back. "Should we get going?"

"Sure." I said confused by the entire interaction to remember that I had already told him no for good reason.

"See you around Brittany." Magnus said.

"It's Becca." She smiled not even caring that he had called her by the wrong name. "Oh and there's a party tonight at Lucy's. I better see you there."

"We'll see." He let the door close between her and us then seemed to change his entire demeanor. He looked happier and relaxed. "It looks like you owe me one."

"What? Why?" I was taken aback.

"I did help you get that wretched girl off of you even if it was a bit for my sake it was mainly for you."

"I was handling her just fine." My mind rolled over all he had said. "What do you mean for your sake? Do you like her?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "I didn't like seeing her on you."


"Because I'd rather not see anyone on you." He raised his eyebrows waiting for me to get what he was saying.

"Oh. Oh. So you're you know." I didn't know why I hadn't figured it out yet. He had practically spelled it out. That was why he was talking so freely in the bathroom. So he was gay? He really didn't seem the type, but to be fair I probably didn't either. Was there even a type?

"I prefer to say I'm bisexual." He walked towards the parking lot.

A/N Don't worry you can hate on Becca. She's a horrible human being. The only redeeming quality of hers is that she's attracted to both Magnus and Alec. Do you think Alec is going to go with him?? How will the ride go if he does?

The Truth About Magnus (Malec AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum