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A/N I am so sorry that I've taken so long to update but I hope this long chapter and hot little moment will help make up for it! 

I looked out at where Magnus had taken off to then back at Jace before glancing back towards Magnus. I didn't have to tell Jace where I was going or with who. I could just go. Yes, I wanted to. It was time for me to do what I wanted.

"What's up with you today?" Jace asked with a worried look. "First Lydia and now you look like you're making some huge decision. It's a game of beer pong."

"Right." I laughed it off. "You know I get like this sometimes."

"Well, suck it up and come help me win." Jace wrapped his arm around my shoulder and lead me inside as I felt my stomach tense up.

Would Magnus understand? I hoped he would and if he didn't that was fair too. He deserved better than me anyway.

"Alec, are you even listening to me?" Jace was raising his eyebrows at me.

"No." I shrugged.

"I said that we're almost up."

"I thought we were playing right now."

"No, but you looked like a loser out there with that douche bag and then you were standing by yourself."

"Wait, you saw us?" I felt my heart stop. There was no way he could tell we were flirting.

"Yeah, what is it with him? Why do you keep wanting to talk to him? I told you he's not a good guy." Jace rolled his eyes. "He's going to get you in trouble."

"But how?" I said much too loudly. "You haven't fucking told me anything!"

"I shouldn't have to!" Jace stepped into my space.

"There you are." Magnus walked up completely unaware of the tension. "I got that book I was telling you about."

"What book?" I asked, confused and Jace glared at Magnus.

"The book about the guy in the castle. Remember?" Magnus cocked an eyebrow and I finally got it.

"Right. Thanks."

"So that's why you were out there." Jace smacked my chest and smiled. "Thanks Maggie, you can go."

"Jace!" I hissed.

"It's fine, Alexander. Do you mind giving us a minute?" Magnus asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I said. I had never seen Jace act like that.

"It's fine, Alec." Jace nodded for me to go. I rolled his eyes and did it. That was what I did; he listened and obeyed.

I tried to stay close enough to listen to them but they stepped farther away. After a couple of minutes I snuck through the kitchen to get closer to them and caught a bit of their conversation. I peeked around a drunk girl dancing with a lamp to see them.

"Then why ask? Is there something you want to say to me? I'm all ears." Magnus stepped closer to Jace. I didn't understand why they were being so hostile, but the tension was so strong I could almost taste it. When I heard the growl in Jace's throat I jumped out of my hiding spot and stepped between the two guys with my back to Magnus.

"Woah, let's take a step back." I pushed Jace a good three steps back before he stopped me.

"Get your hands off me Alec. This doesn't concern you." He tried to shove my arms away from him but I kept them on his chest.

"Explain yourself. Why is Magnus pissed? What did you say to him?" I demanded of my best friend. I had never seen him this angry without a very good reason, but as far as I could see there wasn't one.

The Truth About Magnus (Malec AU)Where stories live. Discover now