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When I got to the house I hurried inside and cut through the crowd of people to find Jace. He was on the dance floor with Rachel. She was grinding on him and he seemed into it so I decided to not interrupt him just yet. The music was pumping through the speakers so loudly that it made my ears rings. It smelled of alcohol, smoke, and body spray. It made me even more nauseous than I was before coming inside.

"Alec!" Clarke yelled into my ear even though he was right next to me.

"Hey Clarke." I answered absently. He was one of my friends through Jace. He was on the football team and a good guy. But he was a loud, vulgar, and annoying drunk.

"I saw you outside!" He yelled and my blood turned to ice. It was already beginning; within an hour the whole school and town would know my secret. My parents would know that I wasn't their prefect son.

"What took you so long to come in?" He cupped his hands and yelled straight into my ear. "You got here like an hour ago."

"Oh, yeah I was just talking to some people." I shrugged my shoulders relieved. He hadn't seen anything. My secret was safe; I was safe.

"Sure talking." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Beer?" He waved a can in front of my face causing the smell to invade my nostrils.

"I'm good. Thanks." I pushed his hand and the beer out of my face. The song switched to another that honestly sounded the same. For all I knew they could have been playing one song on repeat.

"Jace!" I shouted over the noise. Jace cocked his head. He turned and looked around until he saw me.

"There you are! What took you so long?" He asked when I got over to him.

"What did you say to Magnus?" I countered his question.

"Nothing." He glared. "Were you comforting him this whole time? I bet he cried." He laughed and a couple guys around us joined in. It enraged me. How dare they laugh at him? I was just about to say something when a fist flew past me and hit Jace square in the jaw.

"Magnus?" My eyes bugged out as I saw Jace grab his jaw then take a swing at Magnus. His fist connected with Magnus's shoulder but he rolled with it and kicked Jace in the knee. He knew how to fight. Jace went at him like a truck and I could practically see the wheels turning in Magnus's mind. People jumped out of the way and created a circle around them.

I jumped in between them finally when I couldn't take anymore and kneed Jace in the gut before he could hit Magnus again. "Jace you need to calm down." I said into his ear as he slumped against me in pain.

"Get off me!" He shoved me back. "He's the one who started it!"

"You wanna bet?" Magnus stood tall which was about two inches shorter than my 6'2.

"Let's take this outside." I offered as I noticed that everyone in the room was watching us.

"Yeah, lets." Jace shook his arms and the crowd parted to let him through.

Magnus touched my arm but I shook him off. "Sorry." He whispered as we walked to the door. Around us people were trying to figure out what was going on. They thought it was about a girl. I heard Rachel mention that she had been dancing with Jace before it happened. Beth argued that they could have been fighting for her, but I heard people start to pass along that they were fighting over Rachel. I could live with that.

"Alexander, did you hear me? I'm sorry." Magnus said a little louder as we got to the door.

"Shut up." I hissed at him and nodded at a couple of guys from my grade who were standing by the door. They moved so we could get out. I walked in front of Magnus and was met by Jace's fist. My nose started gushing blood as soon as he pulled his hand back.

"Shit! Jace what was that for?" I yelled.

"I thought you were Magnus." He shrugged. "But you deserved it anyway."

"How so?" I asked him as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"You stopped me. He hit me and you took his side." He clenched his fist again.

"I stopped you because you were acting crazy." I pointed out. "I wasn't taking sides."

"Are you fucking kidding me? He's the one who came in and punched me for absolutely no reason." Jace demanded and motioned towards Magnus who had just joined us outside.

"Alec are you okay?" Magnus asked and looked concerned.

"He's fine. But, what the hell is your problem." Jace brushed off Magnus's concern and yanked off his shirt to give to me. "Stop the bleeding."

"Thanks." I snorted then winced in pain.

"Your nose might be broken." Magnus ignored Jace. "Do you have a car? I can take you to the hospital."

"I said he's fine!" Jace tried to shove Magnus but I stepped between them again.

"He's fine, like my bike. Right, Jace?" Magnus sneered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as I saw a gleam of pride in Jace's eyes.

"Did your friend not tell you that he keyed my motorcycle? Figures. Once an ass, always an ass." Magnus shook his head in disgust.

"Jace, you didn't?"

"If you knew what he had done you would have helped." Jace finally responded.

"But I don't because neither of you will tell me!" I sputtered as more blood fell from my nose. My left eye was starting to swell making it hard to see.

"I'll explain on the way to the hospital." Magnus offered. "But we really need to get that looked at."


"No, I'll take you." Jace grabbed my arm.

"You've been drinking, Jace and I'm really not in the mood to deal with you right now."

"At least let me come." Jace looked sympathetic.

"No, stay."

"Alec..." Jace frowned.

"You heard him." Magnus put his hand on my back. "Let's get you to the car."

A/N What do you think happened between those two? Nothing good, that's for sure! Also, who doesn't love an angry, protective Magnus? And maybe they can have some time to talk and figure things out.

The Truth About Magnus (Malec AU)Where stories live. Discover now