A Tour of Sorts

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A/N First off to all of you that don't hate me and are still interested in reading this: Thank you so much! I'm sorry that I suck. I'm going to try my best to update this. Your comments really do help and the fact that Wattpad is working a lot better. I have a couple of chapters ready.

"Let me guess. This is the library?" Magnus rolled his eyes at me. Guess I deserved that. I frowned, if only he understood the pressure I was under. He would see why it's so challenging for me. He would be okay with why I act like I'm bipolar with him. Hell, who was I kidding? I'm was just being a dick, plain and simple. Jace was right. God, who knew it would hurt that much to admit that idiot was right? I needed to just be me and damn the consequences.

"I deserve that," I admitted to Magnus.

"You do." He noded his head and leaned against the wall by the entrance to the library. He looked at me and cocked his eyebrow. "You heard and saw me."

"Yes." I sigh. My gaze traveled down from his eyes that I couldn't quite meet to his lips and then further before going back to rest on his lips. In that moment all I could think about was how soft those lips had felt.

"Jace was with you." He said drawing back my attention.

"Yes." I wasn't sure what to say. I wanted to be open and honest but I didn't even know if he wanted that and thinking was so much easier than actually doing.

"You are embarrassed." He shrugged as if it didn't affect him but I knew better. I was the king of feinted nonchalance and apathy.

"No. Jace," I looked around and saw a couple of students. I wanted to go somewhere more private to talk but I had already hurt Magnus enough. I cleared my throat and continued. "Jace knows."

"Yeah, okay." Magnus scoffed and picked at an invisible piece of lint on his sleeve.

I saw my hand reach forward as if it was in a dream. I watched it with a life of its own touch his arm. Anybody watching, I'm sure, would think nothing of it, but we both knew what it meant. "I told him the truth. About me. About us."

Magnus to my relief smiled before going back to a look of indifference. "I take it from how you reacted this morning he didn't take it well."

"He took it better than I ever could have expected." A group of voices drew my attention. The guys were just down the hall from us. My heart started racing as I unintentionally took an extra step away from Magnus.

Magnus looked confused, hurt, and then saw them too. He sighed. "Follow me." He turned and walked away so quickly that I had to job to keep up. How the hell was he moving around this school as if he knew it better than me? He looked around, opened a door, grabbed my arm, and pulled me inside a dimly lit room with a single swinging bulb above us. The room smelled of bleach and mold. I saw a mop that was so dirty I wondered why the school floors weren't black and a broom that was missing half a handle and those were the better cleaning supplies.

"How did you know about the janitor's closet over here?" I asked Magnus who flashed an ego filled smile, a smile that I dreamed about even before I had seen it.

"Alexander, if you've been to one high school, you've been to them all." He grabbed a mob bucket, flipped it with a grace I envied and sat down. "Based on the smell and dirty floors in this hall I figure we have a couple weeks before someone finds us in here so you're free to talk."

"I'm sorry." I blurted out.

"And?" He waved his hand acting like the Magnus that I met the first day.

"I'm an idiot?" I said as if it were a question.

"Agreed." He smirked. "But a cute idiot, you know? The kind of idiot that you want to smack and then kiss." He cocked his eyebrows and stayed quiet as if waiting for me to continue. "Please, don't let me stop you from this wonderful apology. The one that was clearly so big that you couldn't say it with anyone else around."

"What?" I stumbled with my words and feet. "I don't have anything else to say."

"Okay then. Lovely day to you, Alec." He stood up and gave me a seriously deep bow.

"Wait." I grabbed his arm before he could leave the room.

"Yes?" He looked into my eyes with a fierceness that terrified me.

"I know that you don't want a secret or fake relationship. I know that we can't be just friends. I know that I'm just not ready to tell the whole world about me. I wish that I had your courage and strength but I don't, not yet. But, I told Jace which for me is a huge step. You deserve more though so I guess I'll leave you alone." I sank my head down as my heart sank to my feet.

"That's all I needed to hear." Magnus lifted my chin with a warm finger. "I can wait a little longer as long as you promise that at school we can at least talk."

I grit my teeth. I want to agree, but what would people think?

"Like straight, boring people." He added with a smile. "Except in this room."

Instead of speaking I kiss him. His touch is light like cotton candy. He smiles against my lips and moves his hand down from my chin to my shoulder. His tongue plays against my lips as if they are strings of a guitar. Then the bell chimes and we both jump. Magnus reaches up and brushes his thumb across my lips. "I suppose we should go to class." He says with a smile that I know I am mirroring.

"Meet here at lunch?" I asked him.

"Absolutely." He kissed me again and then vanished into a crowd of people outside of the closet. I stayed, not because I was worried people would see me, but because I wanted to savor the moment.

Just to reassure you all I already have the next chapter ready to publish. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think of it so far.

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