Lunch Date

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The next day at lunch Clint and Sam arranged to go out for lunch and invited the team. Some went along but Tony, Bruce and Keisha were working on something in the lab together. It was a prototype for a new energy source, they could use to power items such as Tony's Ironman suit, to run for 48 hours without a recharge. Steve was lingering in the hall outside the labs, Bruce noticed him first then Tony.

"Someone should go and talk to him he looks lost" joked Tony

"Shut up Tony!" snapped Bruce.

"I will go. I'll be back in an hour or so" said Keisha, she left the room to speak to Steve.

"Hey, Steve what's up?"

"Hey, nothing... Well, not nothing I wanted to know if you wanted to go for lunch sometime. Or now"

"Your cute, I would love too. Shall we go off campus"

"Sure yeah. We can take my bike" Steve put his arm out to gesture going ahead.

Keisha's POV

We took Steve's motorcycle he took me Chino's the best pizza parlour in New York. We ended up ordering a meat feast with chillies on top. When we were shown to our table Steve pulled out my chair like a gentleman. Our pizza came to our table a few mins later. Steve took a slice into his mouth he went bright red painting and gasping for air. I couldn't help it but I ended up bursting out laughing. I ran up to the counter to ask the cashier for a cold glass of milk and rushed back to Steve, he gulped it down.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good"

"You are such a liar" we both ended up giggling like a bunch of teenagers. There was something about his laugh and smile that was giving me butterflies in my stomach. I have never felt like this before. He placed his large hand over mine it was soft and warm I was surprised considering his job.

"Tell me about yourself?" asked Keisha.

"I don't know where to start,"

Steve told me about his family life and how he grew up in Brooklyn. He spoke about the 40's and becoming friend with Bucky; it felt like we talked for minutes. When I finally checked my phone 3 hours had passed. There was 22 missed calls from my dad, 9 calls from Bruce and Tony not to mention tonnes of text. Steve checked his phone and saw the same. Someone entered the restaurant I heard heavy footsteps behind me, I could tell from Steve's face who it was. He quickly withdrew his hand from mine. I slowly turned around to see my very angry Dad along with Maria.

"Hey, dad "

"Don't hey me. Get in the car. Now!" I got up and left the restaurant reluctantly.

"Sir I was..."

"You took my daughter off campus without even asking me. She's old enough to understand why it's not safe but she still doesn't listen. Honestly, I was expecting more from you, Captain, I was serious when I said I brought her to the academy to keep an eye on her. Firstly, I want to keep her out of trouble and secondly, it's dangerous for her to be out here anyone could find her. Don't get any ideas you hear me, go back to the Academy"

"Yes Sir"

Sometimes my dad drives me crazy. I was happy having fun. I know I should have told the team or him I would be taking longer but I got lost in the conversation. Steve's such an intriguing person he has a shy quiet exterior but underneath there's more, I still can't shake this feeling in my stomach. I was directed to enter one of the SUV's, a thing not unfamiliar to me. My dad entered the car and sat opposite me with his face screwed up.

"You are something else you know that. Every time you want something or want to go somewhere, I try my best to make sure you get it, while still trying to keep you safe. What you did was reckless but you know that already because we keep having to have this conversation over and over again. When will you grow up and stop this recklessness"

"I'm sorry Dad."

"You always are. I'm placing a detail on you until you change your ways" 

Choose Me Keisha (Steve Rogers xFury's daughterx Tony Stark) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now