Stop Her!

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Bucky and Keisha made there was down the hall heading they needed to reach the basement level of the Academy. Natasha and Clint were walking down the opposite side of the hall.

"Keisha you should be in bed" shouted Natasha. Keisha didn't respond and they continued walking.

"Keisha " Natasha tried to run to Keisha when she noticed the look in Bucky's eyes she's seen it before. Before Natasha could reach her Bucky lunged for Natasha and grabbed her by her throat. Natasha tried to fight him off but struggled. Clint ran up to Bucky pulling out his bow and shooting him with a stun arrow the electric charge surged through his body but he fought it off.

"Bucky wtf what ar you doing?"

Bucky continued to fight the two Clint sent a warning on his comm to rest of the team warning them. Within moments, the security breach alarm had been sounded. The Shield SWAT team exited the elevator and 8 agents ran for the pair. With Keisha's powers, she sent a shock wave pushing the agents into the wall pinning them there.

Once Bucky had subdued Clint and Natasha and made he was back to Keisha's side. He pressed the button on the lift to send them down. The doors opened and the pair entered Bucky selected the basement level option as the door closed Steve came thundering down the hall with his shield on his back. He took it from is back and threw is in the hopes it would stop the doors from closing but is missed it. He looked up at the numbers on the elevator display and see where it was going. He took up his shield and headed straight for the stairs. Missing a few steps as he leapt down the flight of stairs.

"Steve can you hear me," Natasha asked through comm.

"Yeah I can hear you, Nat"

"She activated Bucky I think they're going for BTK"

"She wouldn't do that. HYDRA did something to her. They put something in her head."

"I know Steve. You need to get to her fast. If she even touches that weapon Fury will shoot them both down. "

"He would never do that"

"New orders just came in to use deadly force if necessary"

"I heard nothing"

"Because he knew how you'd react. Get to her first. Right now he has to put the safety of the world first that comes over being a father."

"I won't let them touch her or Bucky"

"Neither would I. Me, Clint and Sam are coming. I think Tony is already down there"

Steve reached the basement level floor he entered the room. It was always made restricted with good reason. It has and entire Shield arsenal in there. From fighter planes to grenades he saw Bucky in the distance fighting off agents and Tony. Keisha walked up to the vault unlocked it and walked in.

"Keisha what are you doing?" a voice came from above Steve's head it was Fury with Maria and a full swat team on the upper-level platform. "Rogers you need to leave"

"I can get through to her just give me a chance" Keisha left the vault with the weapon in hand Steve walked to her with his hand up in a defences gesture.

"Rogers I breaks my heart to say this but the orders are shot to kill. She can't leave this facility with that weapon. You know what it's capable of doing. Wiping out an entire planet "

"She just needs to be knocked out so does Bucky" As he neared Keisha she used her powers to force Steve to drop to his knees.

"Keisha, It's me Steve your husband. Please stop this"

" Who is Keisha?" she replied her eyebrows furrowed.

"You. You're Keisha. Keisha Rogers"

"My name is Aliania. I have no husband. I have no family" She looked up to the ceiling using her powers to break through the hanger doors. Tony opened up his mask and watched Steve trying to get through to Keisha. Most of the team were now downstairs.

"You do! You're my wife and I love you with all my heart and soul. You're carrying our beautiful child and we are going to get away from all this." She looked down at her stomach and ran her hand across her stomach. I have a baby maybe he's telling the truth. No, I can't listen. I must stick to the mission.

"Soldier get a jet ready" she ordered to Bucky he nodded in compliance and took off to get into one of the jets.

"Aim!" shouted Fury. Red lasers light up all over Keisha.

"No!Fury don't!"

"Fire!" 'the agents opened fire on Keisha.

"No..! " Steve screamed a the top of his lungs the pain causing him to close his eyes.

But,  he quickly opened them back when he didn't hear them hit her body. She had stopped the bullets in mid flight and let them drop to the floor. Once she'd finally got the hanger doors opened she took off to the jet. Every attempt to stop her was faltered. She through the agents on different direction before stepping onto the jet. She laid the case down beside and stepped in. Bucky took off out of the hanger with lighting speed.

"Deploy all fighter jets immediately" ordered Fury.

"Are you crazy ? are you going to just shoot them out of the sky?!" Fury didn'.t respond he shot Steve a glare before leaving with Maria to the elevator.

Tony ran to Steve, with his mask now down. " Need a lift" Steve nodded. Tony picked up Steve and flew out of the hanger door after the jet.

Choose Me Keisha (Steve Rogers xFury's daughterx Tony Stark) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now