Wedding Day Part 1

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Keisha sat down at the foot of her bed. I don't think I have ever been as nervous in my life as I am now. The day was finally here I and Steve will tie the knot. My stomach was tying itself up in knots my breathing like Darth Vaders respirator. I just need to stay calm and everything will be okay.

"Hey, hun " Natasha entered the room carrying a large makeup bag. Wanda followed behind her carrying a large pile of the bride's maids dresses.

"Hey, Guys" She laid back on the bed staring up at the ceiling and let out a sigh.

"You're really nervous"

"Uh huh" Natasha set down the case on the dresser and laid down on one side of the bed. Wanda set down the dresses and did the same.

"So were ceiling watching today. Fun" remarked Wanda sarcastically. They all started giggling, it took away some of the nerves.

"We can just lay here a little longer; this bed is really comfy" whined Keisha

"Nope up we get. WI've got a wedding to prepare for" Natasha in a serious tone but smirking she got up and pull her arm to sit her up.


Natasha did my makeup and hair then she and Wanda got into their dresses. There was a knock at the door Wanda got up to answer it. She smiled when she saw who it was and opened the door.

"Maria, Hey"beamed Keisha.

"Hey kiddo, you look amazing. I remember when you were just a little girl walking around in a princess's dress with the cutest little heels"

"Stop it your going tot ake me blush"

"You've come to a long way kiddo. If Steve ever does anything to hurt you I'll kick his ass" They all started giggling.

"I'm just kidding. Maybe. I know Steve is a good guy he's good for you. I know your dad won't agree with what I'm about to say. But I think you should move away somewhere far away make the most of everything. Staying under the radar it's not right for you. You deserve to be happy and free. Maybe you might discover something new about yourself. "

"Thank you, Maria"

"Here's something blue" Maria handed a silver box inside reveal a blue garter. She chuckled as she opened the box. They all checked to see if she had everything in the tradition.


"Come in" Keisha groaned as a know came from her hotel door. Her father entered wearing a black wedding tux with a black tie. His eyebrows furrowed at the site of Natasha and Wanda trying to tighten Keisha's corset.

"Are you girls good?" he asked awkwardly.

"Yeah, dad. Nearly done"

"Why has this got so tight" quizzed Natasha. Keisha let out one more groan before they managed to fit on her. They helped her into her dress and zipped it up. Keisha patted down her dress trying to compose herself. Then looked up at her Dad.

"You look so beautiful sweetheart" he wept a couple of tears falling from his eyes. He wiped them away quickly.

"Thank you Dad" she blushed tucking a curl behind her ear. He extend his arm to escort her down to the car for photos before they set off to the Church


In the Church, Steve stood with Reverand Joseph speaking to him about Mas. Steve was wearing a black and Purple wedding tux along with Bucky, Sam and Clint as his groom's men they sat on the front row of benches talking.

"I'm so happy for you Steven I've noticed a change in you"

"Thank you, Father. I've never been happier"

"As soon as I met her I knew why you wanted to take her as your Wife." The Reverand smiled before leaving to walk to the alter.

Guests began filing into the church. Stever grew more anxious and time went on. The 3 men walked up to Steve surrounding him.

"It will be fine mate. We've got your back" Bucky patted Steve on the back.

"Everyone of us" added Sam placing his arm on his shoulder to reassure him. Steve and his groomsmen walked up to the guests to green them. It was nearing 2:45 He knew she would be arriving soon in the wedding car. The photographer began taking photos of the men. 


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Choose Me Keisha (Steve Rogers xFury's daughterx Tony Stark) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now