The Talk

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The following day Keisha went to the coffee shop to get coffee for Burce and Tony. When she go to the lab she planned on speaking to Tony. Bruce and Tony were clapping and hugging when she arrived at the lab.

"What's going on?"

"We did it. The weapon. It works Keisha" Tony ran up to Keisha and picked her up swinging her around.

"Omg that's brilliant" Tony tried to kiss her but she turned her head away, he saw something was wrong in the eyes and put her down.

"Tony this isn't easy to say but...."

"You choose Steve"

"How did you know?"

"When I got an invite to a party Steve was throwing. I knew"

"I'm sorry Tony. But I love him"

"Don't be sorry you can't control your heart. I'm happy for you"

"Thank you" Keisha crashed into Tony hugging him.

"Okay so do you want to see how it works" quizzed, Bruce.

"Hell yeah!" Bruce and Tony both began to explain to Keisha how the weapon worked. Later that day a meeting was planned to go present the weapon to Fury and the rest of the council members. Tony set up a simulation of how the weapon would operate to demonstrate it to the council.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for coming this evening. For the past month, myself, Ms Fury and Dr Banner have been creating an offensive weapon, we can use to stop any threats entering out planet again" announced Tony.

"Using a carefully conducted algorithm. We've managed to join together both the Orb extracted from the Collector, Tony's arc reactor technology and gamma radiation to create the ultimate weapon for earth defences" added Keisha.

"This weapon has the ability to wipe out an entire planet at full capacity. But that, of course, isn't necessary. This will be deterrent against even the most dangerous of threats, nothing can match the power of this weapon. We call it BTK" A standing ovation erupted from the room. Fury was looking at Keisha nodding his head proudly. After showing the simulation to the council, they approved the weapon to be used in Shields arsenal. The council left shortly after speaking to the scientists, Fury walked up to Keisha grabbed her shoulder and pulled her in to hug her close.

"I am so proud of you, you have no idea" He let her go and looked at her, Bruce and Tony walked up to them.

"Thank you Dad"

"I am proud of all of you, with this we would be able to protect this planet forever. You three are the reason the human race will alway have the advantage for survival," said Fury proudly.

"Thank you, Sir for your support" The two men shook Fury's hand, Keisha started to yawning .

"You're tired. You should get your rest you've got a long day tomorrow all of you."

"What do you mean?"

"You have your first mission tomorrow congrats" Keisha's eyes lit up, Fury left the room. Shortly after Keisha said goodnight to Bruce and Tony. Steve was waiting for Keisha outside the lab he kissed her, then hugged her and they left together. Tony waited for them to leave scowled at the pair, then looked to Bruce.

"Bruce your going to help me get her back"

"No Tony your playing with fire here"

"Common dude I helped you with Romanoff. I need your help"

"Fine. What's the plan?" Tony told Bruce his plan to split Steve and Keisha up.

Meanwhile, in the dorms, Steve walked Keisha to her room. He pressed her aginst the wall and started slowly kissing her neck. She giggled a little it felt ticklish; footsteps came from down the hall. Their minds were so preoccupied, they didn't even hear it. A loud cough suddenly came from next to them when they looked up they saw Fury standing there.

"Are you going to explain what they hell is going on here. I explicitly told you not to get any ideas Rogers and....." he was interrupted by Steve.

"There is nothing to explain. I love your daughter and were together. I have the up most respect for you Sir but she is an adult who can make her own decisions."

"Yeah what he said" she looked up at Steve and smiled she was glad he finally spoke up in front of her dad.

"If you so much as break her heart Rogers there will be a big problem"

"I would expect no less Sir"

" Very well. As you were. Just make sure that your being...."

"Dad stop I'm not a kid" Fury walked away and the pair started to kiss. Keisha pulled her key card out her back pocket carefully making sure not to break away from their kiss. They moved into her room and closed the door. Steve continued to kiss her then moved down to her neck.

"Are you sure?" asked Steve.

"Yes"she giggled.

Choose Me Keisha (Steve Rogers xFury's daughterx Tony Stark) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now