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6 weeks later...

It was a beautiful morning, the sun was shining bright and high. The yellow and orange rays shone into Keisha's room. She was fast asleep in Steve's arms, Steve was awake looking at the details of her face observing her serenity. He noticed her eyes starting to squint together, she was breathing heavily. Her head began to move shaking a little, crying 'no no' under her breath. Steve looked at her worried and quickly shook her with his free hand. Her eyes flew open; her heart was beating out of her chest.

"Keish(what he calls her for short) what's wrong?" her whole body was trembling.

"My parents " Steve pulled her head towards his heart.

"Concentrate on my heartbeat," he said to her softly she listened to it very carefully, it was so soothing and calming. She soon stopped trembling and her heartbeat slowed back to normal.

"You're amazing you know that"

"I know" he kissed her on her forehead.

" I love you, I'm sorry I've been working so much I just want to help keep everyone safe so does Bruce and Tony we....." Steve scoffed at the mention of Tony's name and he pulled away from Keisha and got out of bed.

"Tony really don't you see he's manipulating you. You can't trust him he's just trying to get in your pants"

"Steve! Stop! you're being paranoid. Tony's happy for the both of us "

"Yeah, I'm paranoid," he said sarcastically and got on his clothes and stormed out of her bedroom.They had been arguing ever since their first mission together. Keisha was pinned by a group of terrorists in Yemen Steve tried to get to her but Tony purposely sent a group of terrorists in Steve's path. By the time Steve had got to Keisha she'd been already recused by Tony. Tony and Bruce had been making excuses to keep Keisha away from Steve. Anytime Tony would flirt with Keisha in front of Steve,  Bruce would back him up and said Steve was being paranoid. Tony played so many tricks on Steve to get him out of the way.A few tears left her eyes she quickly wiped them away wiped away and got up to get ready for the next mission.

Time skip 8 hours

The mission was successful, they managed to save all the hostages and get them safely home a and save the Shield intel. When the team got back to the Academy they went to the bar to celebrate their achievement. Keisha, Wanda, Clint, Maria, Bruce, Tony and Natasha were sat on the sofas. They were joking around having a laugh. Steve was walking in the room with Bucky and Sam, Tony saw Steve and smirked at him. He put his arm around Keisha's shoulders and whispered something in her ear whilst looking at Steve, taunting him. Sam and Bucky had their backs to them so they didn't see. Steve burst through the two men and stormed over to the sofa.

"You think your funny Stark!!"

"Urmmm let me see... yeah!"

"Steve what's wrong?" asked Keisha concerned.

"I saw the way he had his arm around you. Are you sleeping together?!"

"No! Steve this needs to stop"

"Yeah, capsicle I think all that ice got to your brain!" Tony said smugly causing Steve to go charging for Tony. He picked Tony up from the chair dragging him onto the floor. He threw punch after punch into his face.

"Steve! STOP! You're killing him!" Keisha started screaming trying to pull Steve away Tony's face was getting too bloody. It took Bucky, Sam and Clint to get Steve away from Tony. Somewhere in the mix, Keisha's necklace got pulled off. Her iris had turned pure white and everything began to shake. She shattered every glass in the room including all the windows. Maria quickly started to look for the necklace. When she found it she put it back on her neck quickly. Once the necklace was placed back onto her neck, she regained control.She looked around embarrassed and scared for a moment, then ran to Tony and helped him up to his feet.

"Keish I'm sorry" Steve tried to touch Keisha.

"Don't touch me! You've done enough!" she pulled away from him and led Tony to the medical bay. Tony had to be put in an induced coma to allow him to heal. Steve saw what he'd done, he knew he went too far. Later on in the night, Keisha was finally ready to speak to Steve. However, when she entered his room he wasn't there, all of Steve clothes were missing.

Loud footsteps began thundering down the hall. 

"The tarmac!" shouted Natasha running past the room. 

Keisha ran with Natasha to the tarmac, where a Quinjet was going down the runway. Keisha ran as fast as she could, tears streaming down her face to try and stop it. It was too late the Quinjet took off with Steve, Sam and Bucky inside. Keisha fell to her knees crying her eyes out, Natasha knelt down and hugged her closer to her chest. 

"We'll find him. I promise" she tried to reassure her even though she didn't know if she could. 

Choose Me Keisha (Steve Rogers xFury's daughterx Tony Stark) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now