I Love You

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A couple weeks had past and Keisha barely saw Steve. Every time they did talk it was fairly limited, the agent following her every move put him off. She ended up spending most of her time training with Wanda and Natasha in the dojo and in the lab with Bruce and Tony. Tony was beginning to fall for Keisha the more and more time they spent together. Tony developed a programme, with the help of Bruce, to create a synthetic robot that would resemble Keisha. He wanted to take her out on a date without her detail and Fury finding out. One morning Keisha came in the lab with fresh coffee.

Tony's POV

Today had to be the day, I finally get to impress her, she understands me in a way nobody else ever has; her nerdiness and quirkiness, it makes my heart skip a beat every time. When she walked in the lab, I snuck up behind her and placed my hands over her eye's.

"Guess who?"

"Hmmm let me think is it, Tony" she tried to turn around but I stopped her.

"Ugh ugh ugh. I have something I've got something to show you" I lead her to the A.I. and pulled my hands away from her face.

"Tony, what is this?"

"It's your ticket to having fun. You shouldn't have to be cooped up in here all day so, I created this A.I. for you. Your security and Dad won't even realise your missing"

"Thank you" she was beaming with joy, she crashed into me and hugged me tightly. I took her hand and managed to sneak us both past her security detail, it was only one agent. I took her to my car in the garage and drove her to the city. We saw the statue of liberty, then time square and next to the museum of natural history. We ended up spending most of the day there her eyes lit up at the artefacts. I loved spending time with her; her energy was infectious. I had one last surprise in store for her, I took her stark tower where I set up lights on the rooftop.

"Tony, this is beautiful. You did all this"

"Yeah, I did" I walked her over to the table and pulled out her chair. I had my droids bring us dinner we had Lasagne and Chardonnay. We spoke for hours trading stories about our family and childhood. When it was time, I directed her to the balcony, where I had fireworks set up for her. She jumped when the first one went off but her eyes lit up at the sight. I pulled out a jewellery box, I had in my jacket pocket, I opened it to reveal a necklace inside.

"Tony you shouldn't of"

"You like it"

"I love it "

"Turn around I'll put it on for you" I put down the box on the railing and tried to take off the necklace she was wearing. She turned around suddenly, facing me she clung hard onto the necklace shaking her head.

"I'm sorry this has to stay on"

"It's fine, I'll put it on with the other" I put the necklace on her neck and she looked down and smiled at it. I wonder why she was so eager to keep onto the other necklace, it didn't look like anything special. I decided I wouldn't press her on the issue, I didn't want her to feel pressured.

3rd person POV

Keisha and Tony continued to watch the beautiful fireworks display. She had never felt so free in all her life like she had in that moment. Towards the end of the display, Tony turned to Keisha who was beside him and pulled her close to him, wrapping his hands around her waist. She looked down nervous of making eye contact with him.

"What's up"

"Nothing just... I..."

"You like Steve too don't you"

"I do"

"What do you like about him?"

"He's warm and gentle..." she was interrupted by Tony gently placing his hand on her cheek stroking it slowly with the back of his fingers.

"Am I not warm and gentle"

"Yes you are but..." she again was interrupted by Tony this time, placing his hand under chin, tilting her head up towards him. He gazed into her hazel brown eye's and placed a kiss on her lips. Tony slowly pulled away to look at her, she smiled looked back down again. She was confused, she didn't know what to do. The same feeling she felt with Steve, came back again but this time with Tony. Now she was thinking of Steve and her stomach started tying itself in knots.

"Thank you for the beautiful day and evening"

"It was my pleasure" Tony drove Keisha back to the Academy sneaking in the same way they left.

Choose Me Keisha (Steve Rogers xFury's daughterx Tony Stark) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now