Thanksgiving Part 1

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Steve and Keisha both woke up to Christmas carols blaring in the in the living room. Bucky, Sam and Natasha were singing along to it they were surprisingly good. It was Thanksgiving one of most favourite times of the year for the team. This was going to be Keisha's first real Thanksgiving little did she know Steve had a surprise in store for her.

"They're having a blast in there" laughed Keisha Steve didn't respond he was distracted, staring at Keisha's necklace twiddling the pendant between his fingers. " Guess it's time I told you about this." She placed her hand over Steve's.

"I didn't want to ask. I thought it was better you told me when you were ready"

"It's time" her voice changed to a more serious tone. She sat up crossing her legs and turned to look at Steve, placing her palm over her necklace. "From what little I know about this, it suppresses my powers.It was my mother's necklace, she gave it to me once she saw my powers starting to develop. I can't control them, which is why it's important I keep this on at all times. "

"Have you ever tried to see if you could?"

"When I was 10 I used to live in the countryside with a dog called Jessie. and a Shield agent disguised as my nanny. I got into an argument with my Dad one day. My best friend Rose was having a slumber party and I just wanted to go, just once. My dad said no because it was too dangerous. In anger, I ripped the necklace off my neck and the shaking started. He'd never seen my powers like that before neither had I" tears started to pool in her eyes she tilted her head back to keep them in. "I destroyed our house Jessie was in there. They couldn't save her, I knew then why the Kree wanted me. Why my parents fought so hard to protect me. I also realised I could never have a normal life. A boyfriend then get married and have kids."

"Well your wrong about one of those things"

"Which one?"

"You have a boyfriend"

"I do" Steve sat up and sat opposite her in the same position taking her hands in his. "You're not scared of me?"

"Nope. I think your Dad should have given you the chance to see if you can control it"

"But I can't"

"How would you know you Dad never let you have control in anything. Maybe if he just took a chance and trusted you for once. You might have surprised him"

"I killed Jessie "

"I honestly don't believe that's your fault. You were angry and had something apart of you; you didn't understand. Even though it was horrible it was bound to happen. Take it off now"

"Are you crazy?"

"I probably am but I trust you. Take it off Keish"

"Can you help me?" Keisha turned around and held her hair up so Steve could get to the catch. He gently placed his hands on the catch and undid it. Keisha squeezed her eyes together tight she turned back to Steve, still holding her eyes tightly shut. The room began to shake hard, things started flying around the room.

"Open your eyes Keish"

"I can't. I'm scared" Steve placed his hands on either side of her cheeks.

"Look at me" she slowly opened them even though she was still hesitant. Her Iris's had turned pure white "That's better. Now I can see your beautiful eyes"

A wave of joy came over her heart. Steve saw the beauty within her nobody else had ever seen or understood. A smile rose on her face and the pair started chuckling. The room was now calm, fear was her trigger without it; she was free. The door suddenly flew open Bucky, Natasha and Sam wielding a 9mm handgun in their hands. Keisha got scared all over again she was ashamed of her true form still and didn't want them to see her like that.

"Steve put it back on now!"

"Guys put the guns down. No, we've made so much progress"

"Steve!" she was flustered causing things to start flying around again. Steve put the necklace back on as she requested.

"We thought a bomb went off in here or something. Are you ok?" they lowered their guns and holstered them once they saw things were safe.

"Yeah, we're fine. I just should have never taken this off."

"The Turkey's in the oven just need to do the veggies next" exclaimed Sam.

"Turkey?" puzzled Keisha.

"It's Thanksgiving Keish" replied Steve.

"Oh yeah"

"Steve bud we need to go to town *cough cough*," said Bucky suspiciously sharing a look between them.

"Ahh yes, we need to get a couple things. I just need to hop in the shower I'll be ready in 20" Sam, Bucky and Natasha left the room to let them get ready. Keisha got up and walked to Steve side of the bed she took off her top.

"Do you wanna take a shower together?" she said to him seductively. He rolled his tongue between his teeth grinning.

"Yeah" he lept out of bed and chased her into the bathroom giggling. 

Choose Me Keisha (Steve Rogers xFury's daughterx Tony Stark) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now