Get Me Out Of Here!

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" I'm going to drop you in 3-2-1" Tony dropped Steve Keisha onto the Quinjet. Steve climbed down the back of the jet and ripped off the door and swung himself into the jet. Before Steve had a chance to speak Keisha shot Steve with and energy blast. Steve stumbled back and quickly grabbed onto a harness bolted to the wall to stop himself falling from the jet.

"Keisha you need to listen to me" she shot him again the force cause him to fall out of the plane. They were 2,000 feet in the air, Steve was falling fast he prepared himself to hit the water. Tony swooped in and grabbed him by his collar before he touched the river.

"No luck hey" Tony chuckled.

"Nope" Tony, they'll shoot them out the sky before they let that thing get into Alien or HYDRA hands"

"I know bud. I won't let that happen. I've got my suits coming to shield us. And the rest of the team is en route"

"All of the team? Including Banner?"

"Yeah why?.... oh I get ya I will tell him to fall back"

"It is too late Sir. Dr Banner Is on a jet behind you" Jarvis spoke.


Bucky began to speed up once he saw the jet coming their way on their radar. He tried to shake them but was unable to. He initiated Keisha's plan B and thrust the jet towards the city. Keisha knew they wouldn't risk the public's safety by shooting them down. A loud voice came from an intercom of 3 new incoming jets.

"I am Nicholas J Fury by order of Shield and the world council. I order to stop and turn around immediately. Failure to do this will result in You being shot out of the sky. Do you understand?!"

"Hail HYDRA!" Keisha shouted back through her jets comm.

"Sir how shall we proceed?" asked Agent Nelson.

"Keisha sweetheart. You're my baby girl and I love you. Please stop this now. You are stronger than this. You need to fight this"

"My name is Aliania and I have no idea who you are. I have my orders and I will fight to the death to execute them. I don't want to hurt you but If you dare try and stop me. I will kill you!" she threatened with a sinister tone to her voice.

This wasn't the girl he raised. Keisha would be tough to get through to but he didn't have time. Fury ordered his fighter jets to shoot the left propeller of the jet. The propeller blew up in flames causing the jet to become unstable a trail of black smoke filled the air.

On Bucky and Keisha's jet, they were preparing to put on parachute when they heard a large thud on the roof. A tall, blonde, muscular man swung down into the jet. Before Keisha could react, he grabbed her and swung his hammer in circles and they flew out of the jet. Tony then flew in and grabbed Bucky. The jet crashed into the water before it could get over the main city air space.

"Thank you Thor" Thor landed down on the ground with Keisha clinging on to the weapons case.

"Your welcome my friend. There is something you must know..."

Before he could finish what he was saying. Keisha shot Thor with energy burst repeatedly causing him to fly through a building. Bucky fought Tony's grip and landed on the floor running to Keisha's side. They both began running down the street trying to get away from Steve Tony and Thor. Tony flew up and landed in front of them, Bucky punched Tony and the two began fighting. Keisha continued running compelled to complete her mission. A humongous roar came from the sky. They knew what this meant

"Thor, I need to help keep the big guy away from her" Thor got up to his feet and used Mjolnir to help the fly to Keisha. Fury's swat team lined the streets to get to the weapon

"You wanna fight big guy common!" taunted Keisha goading him to fight.

The Hulk continued to roar running towards Keisha and landed on the pair fought. Natasha, Sam, Wanda and Clint's jet landed on an intersection on the street, they held off the SWAT team from hurting Bucky or Keisha. Keisha wasn't able to hold off The Hulk for long with every attack she made towards him it made him grown angrier. With one swift movement, he picked up Keisha and threw her with full force into a pole of the Railtrack above. She hit her head hard as she fell to the floor. The case flung out of her hands and slid across the road. Thor threw his hammer at The Hulk directing him to fight him instead. The pair fought away from Keisha, so Steve could get to her.

"Keisha honey, are you okay" Steve scooped up Keisha's head in his hand and rested it on his lap."Keish, please talk to me! open your eyes" Steve cried pushing her hair from her face.

"Steve is she alive?" Wanda asked running up to them.

"Steve" Keisha's said groggily her eyes slowly fluttering open.

"I'm here honey. I'm here" She tried to sit up but screamed out in pain. Her leg was broken she couldn't move it.

"Steve I'm so sorry! I-I didn't m-mean too I-I..." Keisha cried tears streaming down her face. Steve wiped the tears from her face and softly stroked her cheek.

"Don't blame yourself this wasn't you. I will get you out of here I promise" Steve stood up to pick up Keisha. Fury and Maria emerged from the street guns in hand. "Steve please get me out of here" she begged scared of her father.

"Fury please don't..."

"Rogers get her out of her now" ordered Fury shooting the Shield agents approaching them.

Steve wasted no time and scooped up Keisha in his arms and started running he didn't know where to go but only knew it should be far. Steve heard a cry out and saw Wanda on the floor Fury shot her. Why did he shoot her? Steve thought but couldn't stop a jet pulled up in front of him.

"Hop in quick!" It was Clint and Sam with Bucky unconscious in the back of the jet. He ran in and laid Keisha gently down on the floor.

Choose Me Keisha (Steve Rogers xFury's daughterx Tony Stark) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now