Rescue me

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"Sir we will have our best team on it, " said Agent Nelson.

"Hill, find the people who were supposed to be in their detail and bring them to me" Fury ordered Maria as calmly as he possibly could.

"You know I will"Maria assured Fury.

"Sir Tony Stark is here" announced Agent Nelson he pointed to the hotel corridor and Fury walked out to meet him.

"Stark what have you found out?"

"Jarvis is doing an analysis as week speak. He's also decrypting the scrambled CCTV footage"

"My people can sort the CCTV"

"No, your people are armatures. It's not their fault it's just that they're not me"

"This isn't the time for jokes Stark! My baby girl and my son in law are missing"

"I'm aware. I'll find them in promise" Tony continued to scan the room until Jarvis had finally completed his analysis

"The analysis is complete sir would you like to see a simulation" Jarvis spoke.

"Yes, Jarvis" Jarvis began the simulation. He showed how the agents first took Keisha and how Steve fought hard to get to her. Before being riddled with the tranquillizer.

"Sir I've also managed to decrypt the CCTV but you won't like what you see"

"Play it, Jarvis"

"Sir I warn you it most shocking"

"Play the damn recording Jarvis" ordered Tony.

Jarvis played the recording reluctantly and they were devastated when the saw who it was. Who the mole was, all along. The person they had trusted with their lives. Brought into their home. Brought into their hearts. Who Keisha and Steve both loved.

"Sir I did warn you!" Jarvis exclaimed timidly.

"My god how? why?" hollered Fury as he brought up his hands to his head first then down to his face.

"They're dead!" scolded Tony.

"We need to get the team to get as nothing happened they don't know we know and we must keep it that way til the right time"

" I don't think I can do that"

"But you must Tony. Please they can help us get them back"

"And if they don't "

"They will a guilty conscience I know this person will have it plaguging them right now"


24 hours later....

"Wakey wakey rise and shine" Ronan whispered into Steve's ear and he slowly awoke. He discovered he was fastened tightly to a chair.

"What is this? Who are you?"

"My name is Ronan. I'm a friend of Aliania's mother Kathrine"

"You're Kree!"

"I am"

"So what is a kree soldier doing with HYDRA"

"We have a common goal. Protecting the universe saving it from its own destructive nature"

"Who are you to make judgments about the world. Men like you are the only one's causing destruction"

Ronan broke into laughther just staring at Steve the sinister tone of his laugh didn;t phase Steve, not one bit.

"My master Thanos has ancient business with Alinia's mother. She needs to settle an old debt"

"How is it fair to bring her into it. She's innocent"

"Have you seen her power. She's far from innocent! Neither would that child of hers"

"What child?! " Ronan grinned at Steve menacing backing away from him "Answer me" Ronan did not answer.

There was a commotion going on in the hallway Ronan left the room to investigate. Steve heard shouting and screaming coming from outside the room. He tried with all of his strength to break free from the chair but it was made of what seemed like vibranium. He heard a scream that sounded all so familiar.

"Keisha! Keish!" Steve shouted at the top of his lungs. She didn;t respond but continued to scream her screams muffled by the walls surrounding her. After a few minutes, the screaming stopped. The door flew open to reveal Natasha and Clint.

"You're a sight for sore eye's " chuckled Steve relieved.

"No family get's left behind!" said Clint has he walked up to Steve trying to find a way to free him from the chair.

"We need to find Keisha. I heard her screaming. Ronan said something about a child. He could be lying but we need to find out"

"Tony, Fury and Wanda are looking for her now," said Natasha. Clint eventually freed Steve. Natasha saw Steve's shield on a table across the room and brought it to him and they all ran into the hall. They searched every room and were starting to lose hope Bucky met up with them in the hallway to join the search.

"Did they find her Buck?"

"No, they are caught up fighting Struckers thugs. Ronan and Strucker are in the wind"

"What are they took her. What..."

"Don't think like that we'll find her"

They team reached one last room on the basement level. Bucky and Steve kicked down the door and burst into the room. Keisha laid there unconscious with tubes stuck in both arms. Dry tears cover her cheeks, but she looked so peaceful. Steve put his shield on his back and ran up to her and Gently took out the needle from her arms. He looked over a table next to the chair and saw Keisha's necklace smashed to pieces. He scooped up the necklace and the rest of the contents and put it in the pocket of his sweat pants. He then took Keisha in his arms and carried her out the building.


The team safely got back to the Academy they managed to wipe out many of HYDRA's men before leaving. The doctor informed Fury, Steve and the rest of the team on her condition. They had no idea what exactly was done to her. They didn't know what her reaction would be like when she awoke. The doctors confirmed she was indeed pregnant but whatever HYDRA did the baby was still alive. Steve waited by Keisha's bedside for hours for her to come out of her coma. Bucky entered the room with a coffee in hand Steve jumped out of his sleep at his presence.

"Bud you need to go and get some rest"

"I can't sleep. I won't sleep"

"Then at least get some fresh air. No arguments just go!"

"You'll let me......"

"Know as soon as he wakes, of course, I will" Bucky hand Steve a coffee and grab him a reassuring pat on the shoulder before Steve left the room.

Bucky sat on the chair next to Keisha's bed and began sipping his coffee. Small moans came from the bed when Bucky looked up Keisha's eyes flew open. She sat up unexpectedly and turned her head to Bucky.

"Keisha you're awake Steve will be over the moon" Keisha didn't respond her face emotionless. "Keisha?"

"Zhelaniye(Longing) rzhavyy (Rusted) Semnadtsat'( Seventeen)"

"Keisha, what the hell are doing?

"Rassvet ( Daybreak) Pech'( furnace) Devyat' ( Nine) "she continued to recite stoic, her face no shifting emotion one bit.

" Dobroserdechnyy) ( benign) vozvrashcheniye na rodinu (Homecoming)"

"Keisha STOP" STOPTHIS RIGHT NOW!" Bucky grunted as he broke the chair he sat on fling it against the wall.

"Odin(One) gruzovoy vagon (Freight car) " Bucky stood to attention for Keisha.

"Vy gotovy podchinit' soldata( are you ready to comply soldier"

"Da (Yes)"

"My name is Aliania I am your new mistress and I have an important mission for you soldier!"

Choose Me Keisha (Steve Rogers xFury's daughterx Tony Stark) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now