Combat Class

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Keisha was up all night thinking about her date with Tony. She thought about the kiss and how it made her feel, the butterflies that filled her stomach. She enjoyed spending time with him, he made her happy and laugh. She also thought about Steve and the way he made her feel but she hasn't seen him that much since Chinos'. She laid in her bed, staring up at the ceiling just thinking about everything. When she looked over at her alarm clock it was 9:34 she was 34 mins late to her first class combat. She leapt out of bed and got dressed, rushing into the bathroom she swigged a bit of mouthwash, ran out her room and down the halls. When she ran into the room she found everyone stretching.

"Fury your late" shouted her Teacher.

"Sorry Mam"

"Hurry up and get warmed up. When you're ready your with Romanoff" the teacher left the room. Keisha warmed up doing a few laps around the dojo after she finished, she started sparring with Natasha.

"Good morning you look like crap" joked Natasha

"Charming" Keisha replied. The pair laughed, every time Natasha threw punches, Keisha failed to block them.

"What's up with you; you should be able to knock me on my ass"

"It's nothing. I'm just tired" Natasha looked into her eyes and she knew what was up.

"You're in love" she shouted.

"Shhh.... don't shout"

"Tell me who please please please"


"Your one of my closest friends you have to"

"Fine, It's Steve....and.... Tony"

"Oh your screwed!"

"I can't choose"

"Who's impressed you most?"


"What are you guys talking about" Wanda queried walking over to Natasha and Keisha.

"Keisha is trying to decide between Tony and Steve to date"

"Oooo... Tony definitely him" replied Wanda.


"Because he's hot and filthy rich. Not to mention a nerd like you"

"Who's rich?" Clint asked eavesdropping on their conversation. Keisha could see Sam also trying to listen in.

"Sam you might as well join too. It will be a class discussion"

"I was saying. I think Keisha should choose Tony to date because he's hot, filthy rich and a nerd"repeated Wanda.

"Nah, you should choose Steve" weighed in Sam.

"Yes Steve he's a good guy, with a big heart"

"Urghh boring how do you say it in English? he's cliche"

"I think Tony too"weighed in Clint.

"Thanks, Clint." everyone began going back and forth arguing their case for who they think she should choose.

"Okay everyone stop. I will figure it out. Alone"

Bucky, Steve, Tony and Bruce entered the room everyone started awkwardly staring around the room.

"Good morning everyone. Did I miss anything "

"Nope" jumped in Clint. Keisha awkwardly smiled at the men. The Teacher re-entered the room.

"Okay let's see your combat skills." she paired everyone up Keisha was paired with Bucky.

"Mam I don't think it's fair you pairing me with Keisha"

"Why Barnes"

"Becuase I have like 100lbs+ on her"

"Oooo.. just for that I'm going to kick your ass" sneered Keisha.

"Great Fury and Barnes are up first."

"He's so going to regret saying that" whispered Wanda to the rest of the team.

"Ladies first"joked Bucky.

"Gladly" Keisha replied. She gave Bucky one mighty uppercut and Bucky went flying across the room into the wall. He looked up at her startled, she smiled at him and gestured him to come back to her for more. Every time they fought Keisha kept knocking Bucky on his ass, Bucky ended up staying on the floor after the 8th round and looked up at Keisha,

"What did you say about fairness. Oh yes it's not fair I was paired with you because you never stood a chance Bucky" she joked. She held out her hand and helped up Bucky to his feet the whole class including Bucky applauded and so did the Teacher.

"Well done Fury. We're stretched for time so cool down and I'll see everyone tomorrow. Make sure you're on time!" the Teacher left the room. Keisha spoke for a while with everyone, then she made her way to the lab with Bruce and Tony. Bucky and Steve were walking down the hall and stopped when the saw Tony with his arms around Keisha's shoulder.

"I've lost her Buck"

"No, you haven't you just need to find a way to win her heart"

"Like what, he understands her more"

"Do you have feelings for her yes or no?"


"Right, then you have to show her you can woo her too. Women love to be surprised and when a guy notices something unique about them. Find that thing and Tony will have nothing on you. Don't give up yet there's still a chance bud" 

Choose Me Keisha (Steve Rogers xFury's daughterx Tony Stark) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now