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The team left shortly after Keisha made them watch the first Twilight movie. The plane journey back was quiet, Fury insisted on keeping Keisha in his sights at all times on Zephyr one. Fury gave her a real ear full about trust and letting her guard down. He went on and on, about how he didn't raise her to be so gullible and to think smarter. Keisha went into on of the labs, pacing in circles around the room. She grew more nervous, the closer they were to getting back to the Academy. Steve entered the room holding two freshly brewed lattes and placed them on the table.

Steve's POV

When I saw Keisha pacing with her hand in a fist over her mouth in deep thought, I knew what she was thinking about. Words couldn't explain how furious I was with Tony. I saw this coming, the fight, I was holding onto so much anger I couldn't control myself.

"Keish what are you thinking?"

"I should have known. That scheming weasel. It's my fault. How could I be so stupid? I hate him. I hate him"

She had begun mumbling to herself and didn't respond to me. I know Keisha still blames herself but how could I be angry at her. A heart so full of love and care, she didn't think someone she loved as one of her closest friends, could betray her that way. I walked up to her placing both hands on her shoulders she eventually stopped.

"Keish talk to me"

"I can't face him. If I do Steve I would end up tearing him limb from limb"

"You don't mean that"

"Oh, but I do Steve. I was trained better than this my Dad's right"

"Let's leave. Leave The Academy"

"We can't leave. We can save so many people's lives"

"But what about our lives Keish. I've been on this team for years now. I've saved lives and seen lives lost. I want to be happy with you"

"Get married. Live in the suburbs. Have a couple kids"

"Would that be so wrong?"

"I would make a terrible housewife Steve. "

"No you wouldn't but you don't have to be a housewife. With your medical knowledge, you could finish your training to become a doctor or a nurse. You could become a scientist at a pharmaceutical company" she placed her hands on either side of my cheek. I could tell she thought I was mad.

"Steve that's just a fantasy. I can't have a normal life, I'm a walking time bomb." her tone changed from sarcastic into sadness. "All it takes is for that necklace to fall off for me to turn into a monster"

"Never say that again"

"But I am" a single tear started to trickle down her cheek. She wiped it away quickly and turned away from me. "You should go you have a meeting with my dad"

Her Dad was too hard on her. No wonder she had so much fear bottled up. I don't even think he realised the effect he has on her.


When we got back to the Academy Fury asked everyone  to assemble in the meeting room. Tony was at in there with his feet up on the table with Bruce and Clint. He got up suddenly startled at our sudden presence. When Keisha saw him she went to go and charge for him but I held her back. Taking her at her word that she would tear his limbs. I don't want her to have that kind of regret looming over her. She turned to look at me angry at first her eyebrows furrowed. When she looked into my eyes it's as if she saw what I was thinking. Her eyes softened and she walked over to me I placed my arms around her shoulders.

"Keisha please forgive me. I am so sorry for breaking your heart. I just love you so..."

Fury entered the room a forming a cluster at one end of the room. Bucky stormed over to Tony and gave one large swing right into Tony's face rebreaking his nose. Blood began pouring from his nose, Bucky didn't stop there he realised his leg and gave a hard kick to Tony's gut causing him to go fall on the floor and go flying into the wall.

"That's enough!" bellowed Fury. "Everyone sit down now"

Bruce helped Tony up to his feet and we all took our seats at the table. Keisha refused to look at Tony keeping her eyes firmly on her dad. I placed my hand over hers to assure her that I was here and would be there to protect her. Tony's heart sank when he saw her engagement ring over her finger, his face went cold. I gave him a smug grin and pulled her hand to my lips kissing her knuckles.It made me happy to see him is this way, to know he failed.

"I called this meeting because there has been too much bullshit going on in this team. Tony, you're off the Avengers team effective and immediately. An agent will escort you off the premises. "

"You can't get rid of me?!!"

"Oh but I can. what you did has ripped a void in this team. You've comprised the team with your antics. You broke my daughter's, heart. You pulled in Bruce of all people into this mess compromising his future on this team"

"Sir please i..." Bruce was interrupted by Fury.

"You are on suspension starting now Dr Banner. And if you even think of bringing out the other guy. I'll have you sedated and thrown in a deep, dark, black hole. Am I clear"

"Yes sir" Bruce put his head in his hands. Feeling so guilty, for his part in this mess. 

Fury had one of the agents drag Tony out of the room I continued to give him beaming grin. He was clearly furious, screaming Keisha's name as he left the room she never turned to look at him not once. 

"You guys need some fun. Especially after everything you've been through. I've got just the right idea" beamed Natasha.

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-S 😁

Choose Me Keisha (Steve Rogers xFury's daughterx Tony Stark) (DISCONTINUED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن