The Plan

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Steve thought about what Bucky said to him and decided he wasn't going to give up not yet. He observed what Keisha was doing, even more after Fury eventually took off her security detail. He walked by the lab one day, to see her dancing to a few blues and soul songs. He also loved blues, it reminded him of the 40's that gave him an idea of what he would do to impress her. Sam, Bucky and Bruce were sitting in the canteen, Steve went there to meet them and sat down at their table.

"Hey, Bud what's up?" asked Sam.

"Not much you?"

"Steve, you need to back off Keisha" blurted out Bruce.


"Because Tony is in love with her. If you don't want to ruin your friendship you'll leave her alone"

"All due respect Bruce but me and Tony aren't buddies. We're apart of the same team that's it"

"But we're like a family"

"I care about her too and I can't just walk away knowing there's a chance she likes me too. Anyway, do you think Fury would really take playboy Stark as his son in law or the humble soldier? "Bruce stared at Steve angrily, Bucky and Sam were speechless looking up above Steve's head.

"Tony's behind me isn't he" queried Steve, they nodded.

"So I'm a just a playboy huh. Keisha is mine, back off" Tony ordered angrily pointing at Steve.

"Tony I'm sorry but it's truth" he turned around to see Keisha stood next to Tony.

"I've gotta go. I'm going to have lunch with the girls. I'll see you later"

"Keisha, wait!" shouted Steve.

"If you're such a humble soldier, you wouldn't have said that. What if I choose not to date either of you, did you ever consider that. Tony, I'm not your property, I'm not anybody's property for a matter of fact. This ego of yours, isn't cute at all!" she walked away from the men and left the canteen to meet with Natasha and Wanda.

"You both are idiots" exclaimed Sam. Tony scowled at Steve and left with Bruce and Clint.

"You definitely need to think of something now." hinted Bucky.

"I have but I'm going to need your help to set it up". Steve told his friends the plan and they went off to set everything up. Sam and Bucky enlisted the help of Wanda and Natasha for the surprise the next day.

Steve wrote a note at his desk and sealed it in an envelope. The next morning when Keisha was out, he got Natasha to sneak him into her room. He left a large box and the note on her bed. When she came back from breakfast she was shocked to find a beautifully wrapped red box on her bed it was decorated with a large gold ribbon around it. She picked up the note left on the box and opened it; it read.

Dear Keisha,

I am sorry for being a bit of a jerk yesterday. I don't presume to know your heart but I do hope to win it over. I am delighted to invite you to a party, that will be held in the recreation room, at 7 pm. I will be by to pick you up. I have prepared a beautiful outfit for you I hope you like it, please wear said outfit this evening. The clue to the party theme is in the box.

P.S. Please wear your hair down, I think it looks cute when you wear down.

With all my love

Steve xxx

She opened the box to reveal a beautiful red flapper girl dress with satin red heels and beaded feather headdress. (pictured below)

 (pictured below)

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Choose Me Keisha (Steve Rogers xFury's daughterx Tony Stark) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now