Bachelor And Bachelorette

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"Shots. Shots. Shots" The three women chanted thumbing their fist heavily against the brown furnished wooden bar. Natasha, Wanda and Keisha were at the Pegu Club in the city for Keisha's bachelorette. They all wore matching pink sachets and pink fairy wings. The bartender walked up tot the ladies with a large smirk on his face.

"A bachelorette hey"

"Hell yeah this beaute getting married" Cheered Wanda

"What can I get for you ladies?"

"Three Black Russian's"

"Coming up" the bartender left to prepare the drinks further down the bar.

"I love you guys!" Keisha Yelled there was music in the bar when they first entered but now it was louder. They were playing a mixture of House and RnB. They all began bobbing their heads up n down whilst the bartender returned with a tray of Black Russian's and 3 cocktail glasses filled with pink and blue liquid.

"Hmm, we didn't order those" questioned Natasha.

"Compliments of the gentleman over there"

"OMG" shirked Wanda in pure excitement her hands flailing in the air. The three women turned tot their right to see and young man grinning and waving at them. The knew instantly who it was and moved so sit next to him with their drinks in tow.

 The knew instantly who it was and moved so sit next to him with their drinks in tow

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"Hey beautiful ladies I saw your sachets and I couldn't resist. I had to buy you guys a drink"

"Thank you so much. It's really generous of you" 'Cold Water' began blaring loud in the bar causing The ladies to grin,

"You must be the lucky lady" He reached over to Keisha's arm grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"Uh huh," she was in awe of him. She loves his music, this was a dream come true. She nervously started singing along to the song. Justin soon joined her they both sang their hearts out knowing every word. After drinking their drinks they stayed with Justin and had another round ordered this time, Tequila.

"We must do this in tradition," said Natasha forcing her Russian accent. She raised her glass and the others followed suite. "Nostrovia!" she shouted and they all clinked their glasses together taking down the burning shot.


"That was so close" called out Steve with his hands on his head. He was in pure utter shock.

"There isn't a god" cried out Sam. Shaking his head in disappointment. They sat on stools around the BlackJack table. They were having Steve's bachelor night in Resort World Casino. Clint, Bucky, Sam were in attendance. Sam was so close to winning $20,000 much to his dismay.

"Next time bud" Clint tried to reassure him placing his hands over his shoulder.

"No next time I'm gunning for the Roulette" The men headed tot the Roulette table hoping they would have better luck there

"Has anyone spoken to Bruce?" asked Sam.

"Yeah I did" answered Steve all the men looked at his with confusion at hi statement.


"He apologised profusely for his part in what happened between me and Keisha. Tony knew things about him he didn't want getting out. That's why he help him scared of what Tony might say"

"What would he of said?" quizzed Bucky.

"Nevermind about it!"

"So Is all forgiven?" replied Bucky narrowing his eye's at Steve.

"After much deliberation. Yes I like I have"

"Your hearts too kind," Clint said patting Steve on the shoulder.

"I know.I know. Another round?"

"Hell yeah. I'll get it" cheered Bucky.

"No. I'll go" Steve insisted placing his hands Bucky on the back before going to the bar to get a few more drinks.

"Bartender I'll 4 Scotch on the rocks"

"Coming up" the Bartender smiled. A small whisper came from the bottom of the bar Steve looked over intently to see where the noise was coming from His eye's narrowed in anger when he saw the source of the noise.

"What the hell are you doing here Tony!"

"Come here" Tony whispered gesturing frantically Steve to come to him


"Pshhhh" Tony blurted. Trying to stop Steve from talking too loud. Instead of Steve shouting, he reluctantly followed Tony to a backdoor alley exit. Steve grabbed Tony by the throat pinning him to the alley wall, with his other hand raised into a fist.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't pound your face in"

"I know what I did was wrong and I want to start by saying I'm so sorry. I never thought things would escalate like it did. And I'm truly sorry I ever let things get out of hand. I can't take back the pain I've cause but it can try and help you" Tony tried to squeeze out from the small hole he had left to breath out of.

"Help us how Tony" his fist still raised to Tony.

"I was contacted a month ago by a mysterious man. He was German so by default I presumed he was Hydra. He wanted to recruit me to bring Keisha to him. I obliged his request drunkenly. He offered to give me a life with Keisha. A family"

"Why am I not surprised you....."

"I'm not going through with it. I couldn't bear to break her heart any more than I have already. I love her and I alway will I guess. But seeing how broken she was after you left I knew you both were meant to be. I would never ruin that. I've been working for Hydra for the past month to lure them in. So we can kill them or even take them in and integrate them to find the mole"

"There's a mole?" Steve lowered his fist and left go of Tony's next caused him to cough rapidly. Once he caught his breath he continued.

"Yes, Steve. I haven't got much time left so I need to be quick"

"Go on"

"Someone told them the ins and outs of Keisha's powers and history. They intend to take her at your wedding where they feel both of you will be most vulnerable. I believe we can get them then"

"I won't let anyone ruin my wedding day Tony. Not for anything"

"You have to Steve if you want to get these guys. I've been planning this for while but I'm sorry it has to be that way. They know that's when your more likely to have your guard down"

"I have to tell Keisha. She needs to know this and Fury. We have to get this mole"

"We will Steve. I know this sounds rich coming me, after what I've done but you need to trust me. Or at least trust that because I love her I would never let them take her"

"It is rich Tony but I'll indulge you. If you pull anything I will tear you apart myself. For your own sake, you don't want me to do that" He pointed at Tony intently. Tony nodded and left the alley going off into the night. 

Choose Me Keisha (Steve Rogers xFury's daughterx Tony Stark) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now