Chapter 5| Yana

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"The Desert is a theater of the human struggle of searching for God" -Jan Majernik

After the horrific event with crocodiles and Paco's arm, we continued walking. We kept on going till we were far from the Nile. Soon we collapsed on the ground. I looked around me, observing the number of people left. We only had a few other children from our little group who were still alive. Most of them died on our journey through the Savannah and while swimming across the Nile. I looked toward Paco. Jonathan had just set him down on the ground. After collapsing, Paco seemed as if he did not want to wake up. He had been like that ever since we got out of the Nile. As much as I was worried about him, I was also annoyed. Why does the earth hate us? Did we do something wrong?

While I was pondering the answer to these questions, everyone else got up. I stood up as well, finally paying attention to what was going around me. Jonathan was carrying Paco on his back. He still hadn't woken up yet. When will he?

We continued our trek through the hot Gambela Desert. I wiped my brow. Which was covered in sweat. I looked back at Paco, who almost looked as if he was sleeping. I could see his slow breaths, the rising and falling of his chest. Can he still feel the heat?

My feet started to hurt and my tongue felt dry. I was sweating so much, I felt as if all the water had drained out of my body. It was so hot, my blood might as well have been boiling. Soon, I tripped over a rock and almost fell. I felt so weak and tired. The whole world seemed to be cruel to us. We had to journey through a Savannah, cross the wide Nile, and now we have to go through a desert. What could be worse than that?

I almost regretted asking that question. The only thing worse then that was dying. Dying before you made your life have a true purpose. That would be the worse thing. Worse than seeing your whole family die. Worse than seeing your whole village burn to the ground. Worse than the government controlling our lives. I would not be happy if I died now. I have not done anything to be completely proud of. I have finished a small book, but that is not meaningful. I want to learn for my deceased family and friends. I want to be meaningful to them. I want to live a life they would be proud of. 

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