Chapter 17| Yana

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"Love myself I do. Not everything, but I love the good as well as the bad. I love my crazy lifestyle, and I love my hard discipline. I love my freedom of speech and the way my eyes get dark when I'm tired. I love that I have learned to trust people with my heart, even if it will get broken. I am proud of everything that I am and will become." - Johnny Weir

Paco and I were going to be free. We were going to the country of freedom. We were going to america with The American Dream. I was accepted into a small school where I could learn more. Paco was going to the same school, but in a different grade level. We had nothing to pack to go to America. I was told to prepare. I will prepare my mind.

Paco and I imagined all the things we could to in America. We imagined ourselves walking to a park. We thought about having a house. We thought about all the things that would be different. It was so fun, imagining the country we had wanted to go to for so long.

Soon, it was time to go to America. The airport was grand. It was beautiful. The ceiling was high, and we saw multiple plane flying into the sky. They shined in the sunlight. The plane was as white as ivory and would like a bird. We got to an area where we had to put our luggage away after getting it tagged, but we had nothing. We skipped it and found place to show our passports. The man who interviewed us was coming with us. Without him, we would be lost.

"Yana, why aren't we getting on the plane?" Paco was bored. He was just sitting on one of the chairs in the waiting area.

"It because we have to wait for the plane to get ready," I said, recalling what the man had explained to me. We sat there for a few hours and waited. We waited and waited. That was all we could do. The man was watching us while using his small metal device. Sometimes he would put it up to his ear and talk in what I believe to be English.

Finally, it was time to board the plane. We walked into this hallway that was elevated above the ground. We could see the plane. Paco, the man, and I boarded the ivory plane. It was beautiful. We were going to America with our American Dream.

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