Chapter 11| Yana

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"Being negative only makes a Journey more difficult. You may be given a cactus, you don't' have to sit on it." ~ Joyce Meyer

Jonathan was covered in needles. He was also covered in blood. Paco had pushed him into a cactus. Personally, I thought that was very immature. I took my mind off of that and suddenly noticed how hot it was. It was scorching.

"It's way too hot," I stated. Paco looked at me as if that was the stupidest thing I have ever said.

"No really? It's not like we're in a desert or anything." I gave him a sharp look and focused on what was in front of me. There were multiple cacti and both Jonathan and I have fallen in. Lately, I have noticed that Jonathan had a bad attitude toward Paco. I should talk to him about it. It brings me back memories of how Paco was constantly bullied for his small size back home. I opened my mouth to speak but my tongue was so dry. It was so dry, I almost felt as if I could not talk.

"There is no water anywhere! My tongue is so dry, it feels like a stone! Moya! Water! I want water!" Paco opened his mouth to make a snide statement, but my glare made him close it again. This time, I was about to speak to Jonathan about his behavior toward Paco. Right when I was about to talk, I tripped on my own feet. I caught myself before I fell. Right in front of me was a cactus. I sighed in relief and heard laughing.

" Don't fall in the cactus again," Jonathan said, laughing. " You don't want anyone to see with even more cuts." I glared at him. Today was a day where I must glare at everyone apparently.

" At least I wasn't pushed in by a 12-year-old," I replied with a smug look on my face. Jonathan frowned and stayed silent. I had obviously won. I wanted to ask about why he was so mean to Paco, but I feel like now is not a good time. I have an urge to ask, to know what's going on.

" Momkin tintazirni? Can you help me?" I asked Jonathan. He looked at me, obviously confused.

" With what?" he replied.

" I want to know why you keep being mean to Paco."

" Because he's an idiot." I stared at him, taking in his childish answer.

" La. No. That's not the real reason."

" Yes, it is."

" No, it isn't."

" It is! Paco is the most idiotic person ever!" I sighed. I might as well get to the most important matter.

" I want you to stop being mean to him. He's younger than us. It's so annoying when you both fight." Jonathan snorted. He was amused. I stared at him seriously, indicating that I really meant it.

" Sure, Sure," Jonathan replied, still looking amused.

" I mean it! I want you to stop arguing with each other! I remember when you used to bully him in Juba. At school."

" Why would that matter? Juba, our village, is gone! Burned to the ground!"

"Please!" I pleaded. Jonathan gave in and agreed.

" Itafagna. Deal." I hope I have settled this matter with Jonathan. I don't want any arguments. I hate them. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. 

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