Chapter 18| Paco

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"Fake friends believe in rumors. Real friends believe in their friend."

-Grayson Roberts ( Tennis Cat)

The plane was not bad. We were told that the ocean has a power to suck a plane down into the water and the people will all drown. That was not the case and we were fine.

"My sister Yana, she is a vegetable." I said having no clue we were talking wrong.

"We will give you a salad then" He told us "And my name is Doug if you need any help just call my name."

"Thank you kind sir." I told him as we shook hands.

We were served salad. We ate the lettuce first separately and drank the sauce separately it was a fun time as we went to america. We got off the plane at J.F.K international airport we were looking for a man that had a sign with our names on it. We could not find them so we asked Doug and we found our person.

"Welcome to America!" he told us. I nodded, but didn't know what to say. I knew no english. I looked at Yana and she said something that sounded like "Tank You."

We followed these people, ready for a new life. A life where we could be free. A life where we could have proper rights. A life without war. We would have a home again. A home where we can live and sleep normally once more. 

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