Chapter 15| Yana

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"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."

-Theodore Roosevelt

We had reached a IFO. We had finally reached IFO. A camp of safety, and maybe a camp with a chance. A chance to go to America. I would die for a chance to go to America.

The sky was darkening when I was preparing to go to sleep. We had more of a bed then we ever had during our journey. It was a comfy mat that we were all able to sleep on. I drifted of to what I thought was a dreamless sleep.

I opened my eyes and found myself in front of tall, huge buildings. It looked as if they were touching the sky. There were shops and streets full of people. Cars were going by and people were chatting while carrying shopping bags. This was America. This was the country of dreams. The country of freedom. I wandered through the streets. Little gray birds were going around and picking at the ground. I felt as if I were in paradise. My eyes wandered through the streets and sights of buildings, eventually landed on the school. I walked toward it in awe, but as I got there, it vanished.

I jolted up and looked around my tent. It was bright. The sky was blue and it was time to wake up. I saw Paco and Jonathan. They were listening to a man talk about something. I moved closer, trying to listen.

" I hear that if you go for an interview, you get a chance to go live in America," said the man.

I gasped and thought about the news I had heard. A chance to go live in a free country with no problems at all. I want to talk to Paco and Jonathan about this interview. I feel as if I we should all try for this. We should all go to America.

" Paco! Don't you think we should go to America?" I asked, patting his head. He stared at me, as though I was a genius.

" Of course we should! We would be able to be free!" He was jumping up and down in excitement. Jonathan slowly nodded his head, considering the idea. Soon we had signed up for the interview. We had to wait for a few days, but it was finally my turn for the interview.

A man was sitting in a chair with an emotionless look on his face as I walked into a room. I knew that they were going to ask me a few questions, and I was ready to answer.

" Why do you want to go to America?" the man asked. His voice was deep but gentle. I looked at him in the eyes, to show that I was not lying.

" I want to go to America for an education I have never gotten. I want to learn for those who have died. I want to learn because I want to live up to my dream. My dream is to have a job in America. That way, I can live up to my mother's dream. My family and my friend's families have died right in front of my eyes. I want to learn for them. I want to live a life they would be proud of."

The man nodded and wrote something down. He looked into my eyes and said,

" You can go now."

I walked out of the room, feeling confident. I had told the truth. I had shown the man that I truly want to go to America.  

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