Chapter 6| Jonathan

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"The only mistake you can make is not asking for help." ~ Sandeep Jauhar

Paco finally awoke. We were only half way through the desert just to find more trouble. We have been on a wild goose hunt in order to find what we thought was freedom. We have been dreaming for it to happen. All we got was a one-armed child and find ourselves in a hot desert. We have been trying to keep Paco's dreams alive by telling him more stories of Salva Dut. I told him that Salva's uncle told him that he should take each part of the journey one step at a time. He would be able to finish this long brutal death that we call Gambela. We have gone through a savanna and it was hard enough, but now we have to go through one that could be even dangerous. One that could take anyone's life at any moment. It could wipe out the entire group or the only family that I have. But we would have to make the best of it in order to have freedom. We have been waiting for some help from anyone. We have been mistreated by so many people. We are wondering if anyone could see us. We have been wondering is there was any hope for us. We have been left out to die.

The next day it seemed like someone heard our sorrow. We were able to be seen for the first time of the journey. We have been treated to the best time of our lives. We were given food and clean water. They were able to help Paco with his arm, as well as everyone else with scars. I was able to catch a glimpse of the logo. It had two letters that said U.N. Paco was able to do things without having pain. This was a miracle for every single one of us. We were able to be energetic. We were being helped for the first time since the war in Juba.

We have been back on the journey and we were able to go on with a full stomach. We would be able to make it through the desert with a lot of energy. We could have been in the stages of death. They were able to help us get farther into the journey and we are now closer to finding freedom. We were closer to the end of the desert and on the way to the next obstacle. Nothing was impossible to do now that we have energy and food in our bodies. It seemed as if we were to change into a new body. We were ready to walk another day or week. It just might be the thing that we would have to do to reach freedom. We were able to keep care of ourselves until that night. We have all thrown up the food that we have ate. We threw it up because we have not eaten in a long time. We have now lost a lot of the energy that we once had. We did not want to travel anymore. We would want to stay back and hope that we would be able to find more help. But the one thing that was stuck in my head was the U.N. Who sent them to us. Will there be more of them?

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