Chapter |21 Jonathan

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"If you want to go fast, go alone. if you want to go far, go together." ~ African Proverb

I have been waiting to go and meet Paco and Yana again. It has been a long time since I have seen them. Paco was now 14 years old. I have been able to get messages from them when I was still in Sudan. It has been something that gave me hope on going to America. I revealed the path to my closet. Periodically I had my clothes on the ground in my hut back in Sudan. There it was a humongous room that held my clothes that were given to me by the U.N. It was like a maze trying to find my own clothes. I was able to find a dusky colored suit that would give me an appearance for others. Pants that were able to match a with the suit. The one thing was that I was missing a tie. A tie that would put it all together. I was able to discovered a rosey red tie that would give my dusky suit some color. It was something that was making me frustrated by me not being able to find all my cloths. I was not used to having all the cloths that I had in Sudan. My jet black shoes was something that I was not use to. I was always barefoot and my closet use to be clothes on the ground. As I was getting dressed I was talking to myself. I was saying things like "I wonder what Yana looks like." Then I was practicing on things that I would say to her. One of those things where, "We meet again Yana." and "how was your time in America." I was pridefully ready to go and meet Yana, so that we would get together as a friend. It was a joyfully time to go and meet her. I was ready to go and meet my long lost friends. I looked in the mirror and so my appearance. It was something that looked nothing like in Juba.

"How was your time in America," I said this many times to myself. I was practicing to myself. I was on my way to go and meet Yana at the restaurant that she said was quite devine. I fled the apartment and was ready to go and meet my long lost friend. Paco was something that was not so nice to see. Paco was a whole different story to talk about.

I looked throw the window and it was a gaze of light in the restaurant. I walked through the door and CLASH as it closed behind me. Nobody looked at me, but their was not a noise to be heard. Which was a good thing. When a faced the embarrassment I saw something that instantly caught my eyes. I caught a glimpse of something that looked like something that I have seen before. Was it really her? Was it Yana? I was delighted to see her again. It was quite obvious that it was Yana. She was in a fabulous ruby red dress. It was like a light coming into fill out the darkness. It was something that was engaging to be a part of. When I walked toward her I said the things that I was practicing in my apartment. I guess that practice makes perfect because we were having long conversations. I got a scent of the other couples food, as the waitress came. We ordered food while talking about our time in Sudan.

"Wasn't our time in Sudan 10 times worst then we have it here in America." I said to Yana.

"We were tormented with all the war we faced in the past." Yana said to me in a soft and calm voice.

"How was Paco?" I asked. "Was he able to survive with all the change?" I said in a caring voice.

Just in a short amount of time our food came out. It came out on a classy, smooth, pearly, shiny, and glossy white plate. It was a divine smell that I couldn't stop smelling. The scent was something that would be something to remember. It was a grand meal. I took a sample off my plate. MMMMMM, the food was very flavorful. The food was organized with the food not touching. I reached for a napkin that was rolled up with silverware inside of it. I moved the plate over to the side and I looked down at the table and it seemed like the table was smiling at me with a face. It was something that shocked me. This restaurant was nothing that was normal for me. I was ready to go and meet Paco.

"You can't go and meet Paco right now." Yana said to me in a hurried voice.

"You are right, we still need to pay the bill." I said.

The money was different from the Sudanese money. We had pounds that were different colors and only had one face on all the different pieces of paper. Our money was called pounds. One of our pounds was worth fifteen United States cents. Yana pulled out a green piece of paper that had a man's face on it. She pulled out another piece of paper that was the same color, but had a different face on it. The numbers on that corners of the paper was the same that we had. After that mysterious thought I had of the money we were on our way to go and see Paco. We walked to the door and Paco was no wheres to be seen. I heard some footsteps coming down the hall. It was that one armed man that we call Paco. It was a

"Hello Paco, how are you?" I said to him in a calm and harming voice.

"I'm fine, but who are you?" he said back in a questioning voice.

"This is Jonathan, Paco," Yana said to make Paco understand.

"You came for us. I thought that you forgot about us," Paco said with a smile on his face.

"I would never forget about you little man," I said in a laughing voice. Paco just looked at me with a stern face.

After the little welcome back reunion that we had, we were just hanging around and catching up with each other. I heard enough of their thoughts on the new country and what they think about our life as a team. I walked out the door, but before I did I said "It is good that the team is back together!" and then I left. 

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