Chapter 8| Yana

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"To achieve the impossible dream, try going to sleep." - Joan Klempner

We had stopped at a plateau, exhausted and starving. I collapsed on the ground, wanting to go to sleep. Soon, I fell asleep, wanting to have a peaceful night. Just like at our home. Our home that was burned to the ground.

In the dream, I was in a field. In the dream, I started floating. I went up and up and up, eventually stopping at a cloud. I fell onto it and laid there, embracing the warmth that I felt. Just like the warmth, I felt at home in the spring. Suddenly, the sky turned black. The cloud was a dull gray, but no rain was falling from it. I looked down at the field. All the grass was dead. A gust of cold, bitter wind came. It now felt like winter. A flock of ravens went by. The started poking my head and flying all around me. I was covered in scratches and drenched in blood. I looked at my surroundings one more time. Everything was dead. It was all gray and dull, like the winter. My attention went back to the ravens, which had somehow turned into one big raven. It was flying around the field, almost as if she was inspecting it. She let out a cry and flew above my head. I turned around and saw a huge tree, dull and dark like everything else. I squinted and saw a nest. The raven flew to it and stood at the edge of the nest. She screeched an ear-piercing screech and flapped her wings repeatedly. Huge gusts of wind were pushing the cloud backward. I held on to the fluffy material and held on for my life. I moved closer to the edge of the cloud to see what it was doing. Inside the nest, I saw three small lumps of feathers. I squinted, trying to figure out what they were. They were baby ravens. They were not moving or squawking. Suddenly, another gust of wind blew my cloud forward. I was so close to the nest. I peeked inside. There were the baby ravens, but they were drenched in blood. Blood, blood, blood. So much blood. I gasped and started moving backward. They evaporated, leaving red feathers floating to the bottom of the nest. Jerking my head in the direction of the big raven, I stared at her in horror. I blinked a few times, wiping my tears with my arm. I looked up and saw the same thing happen to the mother raven, but only after she shed a tear. I reached forward, not being able to comprehend what was happening. A red feather fell in my outstretched hand. I stared at, ignoring how thin the cloud felt. While staring at the feather, the cloud disappeared from underneath me. I fell and fell and fell until I hit the ground with a heavy thump.

I jolted awake and looked around. Paco was sleeping what looked like an uncomfortable sleep. He was crying in his sleep and Jonathan looked quite the opposite. It was almost as if he was smiling in his sleep. It was still quite dark. I lay down, trying to go back to sleep. Eventually, I gave up. I shook Paco until he woke up.

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