Chapter 4

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Jason's POV •﹏•

I woke up with a horrible head-breaking headache.

Guess I drank too much beer last night.

Wait! No, last night. The party! The kiss! Shit! I kissed Lily twice.

I also remember that Ty kissed her too. Dammit! That's why I drank beer last night.

I went out of my room and passed by Ty's room. I went in and saw Lily and Ty sleeping together. I felt envy.

I wish that was me.

Lucky Ty.

I went in and made sure no one was around or awake. It was 7 am still anyway.

I kissed Lily on the cheek.

I whispered to her, "I love you." She smiled.

I went out of Ty's room and closed the door. Went down the stairs and that's when I saw all the shit in our house. It was so messed up and there were people sleeping everywhere. I got upset, went back upstairs and slept.

Lily's POV ~>_<~

In dreamland.......

I heard a voice saying,"I love you." I thought it was Ty. But it sounded more like Jason.

Then it happened so fast.

I was alone in the dark. Then it was the time the fire happened. But something different happened. Something I forgot that I now am remembering.

Before I went out of the house, Zebbie, my older sister, told me something,"Take care of this book. You can let others read it but make sure you don't tell them what it means,"she said. "You can't trust some of them."

Then I remembered, she can see the future.

"When you get out, I want you to read the first line in the book,"she says. "You have to do it Lily. For us all. For you."

My younger brother, Luke, although he was all creepy and emo he was still intellegent.

He gave me 2 things: a piece of obsidian inside a tiny bottle tied to a necklace and a stuff toy whose eyes were made of flint and steel and it's collar was made of gold and diamond.

Wait a minute! Is that Mr. Buffaloo?

Luke was pointing at the door and whispered, "Run."

I ran and when I looked back, I saw a pair of glowing eyes which made me run faster.

I got out of my house and when I looked back, I found it burning down.

I fell into my knees, feeling the cold white snow. There were ashes falling down and they fell on my face lightly and on the snow, making it gray.

I heard a growl behind me. I turned and found the same pair of eyes from earlier. I finally saw what it was. A monster.

I was face-to-face with this monster.

I slowly moved backwards and it watched me as its breathing got louder.

Then I stopped and froze.

As the flames of my burning house grew larger, it made things even clearer to see.

The creature, now, looked like a shadow and inside the shadow was a person. But I couldn't see it's face clearly but I noticed it was a kid around my age--child age--and was a boy.

Once it became dim and it looked like a plain black monster just as before, it grabbed my stuff toy and ran into the darkness.

It took me a second to realize that I had lost the stuff toy that Luke gave me and I was all alone in the forest.

[ON HOLD bc of SERIOUS EDITING] Fairytales [a Team Crafted fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now