Yay-ness and contests :D

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Haiiii!!!!!! So great news! We reached 1k reads! Yaaaay!!!!!! And 100+ followers! Yaay!!!!! Thank you so much peeps! Thank you for your support and everything :) Also sorry if this isn't an update :( And another sad news is that..... I'm gonna be editing the book (Maybe starting from the first chapter or something :/ ). Also umm uhh uhhh oh yeah as to what I have promised here is the contest's details.

(BTW just Private message me :3)




Kind of species(or you can just be human, if you like):


Things about yourself:

Crush(can be a YouTuber, a fictional character - like the doctor :3- , celeb, etc):

Hates and Favorites:

I am a friend of __________ I met him/her when we were __________


So that's the details. Also please private message me on which title you would like for the ending because I already have ideas. So here are the titles I have in mind:

1)All over again

2)The endless run

3)Who is he?

4)Who is she?

5)Who are you?

6)No more

7)Happily Ever After? (if you pick this chapter then I will make a sequel)

8)The twist



Soo yeah see yah at next chapter. Please remember to Like/Comment/Share/Be sure to follow da Unicorn army!!

[ON HOLD bc of SERIOUS EDITING] Fairytales [a Team Crafted fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now