Chapter 10

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Lily's POV


We finally land on the LA airport.


I still wanna sleep.


Now what?

I looked at my right and saw Jason drooling and a little bit snoring on my shoulder.

Why is he so cute when he sleeps?

I kinda patted him and brushed his hair.

He slowly started waking up.

"Hi sunshine,"he said half awake, half asleep.

"Hi babe,"I said smiling placing my forehead to his.

"Let's go?"

"Yeah,"I nodded.

We went out the plane and got our bags at the conveyor belt at the airport of LA.

A guy on a red-and-black flannel went up and rode the conveyor belt from afar.

He kinda looks familiar.

"Whooo!!! I'm the king of the world doods!"he says.

He gets down and approaches a purple-haired girl.

"Are they here already? I'm getting hungry. I neeeeeed to get back to my fridge,"

I suddenly tried to remember that familiar voice.

Jason and I looked at each other with question in our head and went to approach the guy.

Jason tapped his shoulder.


The guy turned around.

It is him.

My god!

It's been years.

He's grown tiny hairs in his mustache part.

"Oh my god! Is that really you Mitch?"I gasped.

He nodded.

I then hugged him.

He hugged me back.

It was great to see him again.

He was like a brother to me.

"Hey watch out girl! That's my boyfriend you're hugging,"a british voice said.

I looked at my left.

It was Ashley.

She was the purple-haired girl earlier.

I gasped.

She smiled and laughed.

We hugged afterwards.

"My god! Ashley, it's been years. Is this really you?"I say.

Mitch then wraps his arm behind her waist.

"My god! And you and Mitch are dating. Something big must've happened when we were gone."

"Mhhmm,"she nods. "Anyways, let's hurry back to the house. There's something that you really want to see--"

She grabbed my hand and noticed my ring.

"No way! You and Jason are...."

"Yup,"I nodded and went back to Jason and held his hand and placed my arm around his shoulder.

[ON HOLD bc of SERIOUS EDITING] Fairytales [a Team Crafted fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now