Chapter 17

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I held 'Brine's hand. I closed my eyes. Clips of his visions were there. I saw two babies crying. The next I saw two small boys playing together. I saw there him. He was their dad but the problem was he looked a bit old. The next I saw was the guy who protected me. Jason. He was with this guy who looked liked him. He has a twin? Then I saw him die. Jason and his twin calling him dad. What? Then his spirit went to the twin of Jase. Then I finally had realized. Jason was one of the 'Brines. I couldn't believe what I have seen. It was stuck in my brain forever like a tattoo or a scar. This was the ugly truth. I suddenly broke free of his hands. I gave him a shocked look. Was it true? Was he the twin brother of Jason? Why didn't Jason tell any of us? 'Brine stood there crying. His face suddenly changed into a face that looked like Jason's. His violet red eyes turned into a light shade of blue like Jason's. His black turned into dirty blonde and became a bit wavy and it looked like Jason. I was like looking at Jason but this was just Jason's twin brother. It really hurts seeing him. He looked really like Jason and it hurts. "My real name is actually Jackson. I'm actually just a regular boy. Herobrine is just a spirit who possesses any person who does sorcery and calls him. My dad was too addicted and when he died 'Brine still wasn't finished so he decided to possess me instead of Jason. He said that I was better. Mom separated Jason when we were seven years old. That's how Jason met the team. Mom died when I was fifteen. I couldn't control him. I started wearing this rosary to protect me but sometimes he gets too strong that he possesses me again. But I found a spell to weaken himself. Sometimes, he would hide me in Seto's lab and he possess Seto. Seto and I met ever since we were kids. Both of our dads got addicted and all so 'Brine chose both of us to be possessed. I swear I regretted what I did. I just couldn't control myself. I-I'm sorry. I also love Jase. He was the best brother and I love him too"he cried. I trusted him. I knew he was telling the truth. I saw it in his blue eyes. I hugged him and he hugged back. We both cried.


We went back home. Jackson stayed with us. Seto had a vision of 'Brine that he was going to destroy us and the world. He was going to kill us all. Also he told us that James had died already. The whole team mourned. Preston and Jocelyn fought but then forgave each other and went back together. We all will protect each other on what would happen at any time. Two great people had died. We couldn't let this happen again. Each of us made a video about all of us quitting YouTube and we all deleted all our social accounts. I flew back to New York with Adam, Quentin, and Ty. We all got our things and moved back to LA at the Team's house.

I saw a present under the christmas tree. Wonder why no one got this yet. We already brought down our Christmas decors. I got the gift. It was for me. Weird. I went up my room. It was from Jason. I cried a little when I learned that it was from him. I opened the gift. It was the book that Zebbie gave me and a scrapbook of Jason of me. Suddenly a memory reminded me of this. This was just like the first time we met. He found my book and gave it to me. I lost the book when we lived in New York. I panicked at that time. He found it. I smiled and brightened up a bit. There was a stick-it note at the cover of the book. I read it:

Merry Christmas to my beautiful fiance,

            I know you lost this book but luckily I found it. I wanted to surprise you but the time you're reading this you're probably mad at me because I was jealous of what had happened. All I want to say ks I'm sorry for all those times. I know you still love Ty more than me and I understand. You can take off the ring and give it back to me. Yes I might be hurt but I still am happy for you. You and Ty are meant to be together. The time you are reading this I probably am dead because I have protected you. If you're asking how I know well I've been having visions but don't mind it. Just remember that I will always love you and care for you Lil and that I will always be at your side. Thank you so much for all those memories you have given to me- Jason <3

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