Chapter 23

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Ha! ha! ha! Stayin' alive! Stayin' alive! Ha! ha! ha! stayin aliiiiii- oh um didn't see you there. Heh. *quickly turns off the music* So um yeah. How you doin? Good? Okay. So been a long time that I haven't here it is. BTW:about the contest, anyone who joins will be part of the story :) Also some characters will be erased due to too much characters and it kinda makes me forget about them so yeah. Am sorry T-T.



7 weeks later...

A familiar voice shouted downstairs. We all ran downstairs and saw the long lost Lachlan. His arm was around a girl's shoulder.

"Where the fuck were you?"Adam asked. "Woah chill Ad. I just went to see my girlfriend-"he replied. "And you didn't even tell us?! What the fuck!" "Adam cool down a bit-"Alesa said. "Cool down? Alesa, how could I cool fucking down when this son of a bitch,"he pointed at Lachlan. "Was just chilling around while we were trying to protect the world from that stupid fucking Herobrine!" "Look okay! I was trying to check on my girlfriend if she got attacked or not okay? I love her and wouldn't you even be doing that if you were in my shoes?" Ohhh buuuurn!! Shut up brain!

Adam clenched his fists and jaw. "Adam. Adam. Just calm dow-"Alesa tried to rub his back to cool down but he tackled Lachlan and was about to throw a punch but Seto made a spell that separated them both. "Guys just stop it! Stop with the fight! Adam, he just tried to check and yes, he has a point and for you Lachlan, why didn't you tell us ahead?" "Well you guys were busy so y-" "Oh shut up!"Adam commented. "Adam!"Alesa warned.

"Look let's all just calm down and also it's not worth arguing about okay? No one's fault. No one's f-" "Oh shut up Seto!"Ty shouted. Everyone looked at him. "Ty.."I whispered. He ignored me. "You're the reason why this is happening. You're the one who started all this shit. You're the reason why some us are dead. You're the reason why Jason isn't here anymore. You're the reason why he's de- "he pointed at Seto. "Ty!"Ashley warned him. "Don't even get to that point!" I started recalling memories and events on that day.

I may have gotten over it but there is this wound still stuck in my brain and heart. Tears started rushing down my face. Oh all the memories. I wish I spent more time with Jason. I don't know what I was doing but I slapped Ty and ran to my room and locked it. I locked myself in there for days.


I still am ignoring Ty. I know I know I'm such a horrible creature but still. I miss talking to him and kissing him and cuddling with him and all that but it's just that I can't forgive him. Not yet. I can't forgive him just yet.

I washed up and got ready for bed. Ty was sleeping outside at the couch while I slept here in our room. I switched my lamp off and lied down and drifted away.


I was falling in a void of darkness. I wasn't screaming or anything but I sure was falling. I saw a girl being chained in this dungeon-like room. She was kneeling down. I went around her. She had semi-long straight dark brown hair with a lot blonde highlights. She was facing on the floor.

She was sobbing. I knelt beside her. "What's wrong?"I asked while rubbing her back in circles. "I- I don't know who I am anymore"she whispered. "What's your name?" Her head slowly facing me.

I first saw her eyes. She had eyes that had all the colors swirling around like the galaxy but something about her eyes reminded me of someone.I didn't really mind the nose but her mouth. Her full face now facing me. I know who this person is! I was looking at someone who was so familiar that I would forget at times. It was me.

It was me but very different. "I am the one. The chose one. My given name is Lily Winter Sparkstone. I am you. I am your other future"she said. I examined her. My hair now was pure dark brown with a bit of a light brown and it was a bit wavy. I touched and looked at her eyes. Why is it like the universe?

[ON HOLD bc of SERIOUS EDITING] Fairytales [a Team Crafted fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now