Chapter 13

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Ty's POV

..........found her still sleeping. I sighed. Oh my god! I almost died there a bit. I rubbed her forehead softly and kissed her forehead. Jason and the guys came rushing in. Noisily. "Shhhh"I placed my finger in front of my mouth to sush them. I could see their expressions like Thank god! or Oh my god! I almost died there. Lily started twitching and kinda mumbling some words. I went closer to her to hear her. " angel.... hurt... The Team....He-herobrine!"she suddenly woke up and gasped for air. She started crying. I hugged her. "Shhhh. It's okay. I'm here. I'm here"I rubbed her back while I hugged her. She kept on crying. "T-ty?"she asked.


"What's going on? Where's Jason?"

I looked at Jason standing in front of us. He wasn't mad or anything. Lily was about to go out of bed but then the window blasted open. We all looked at it. Shit! No! Not now....

Lily's POV


I was swirled into darkness. The last thing I saw was my necklace glowing. I stood there in the darkness. Lost. Emotionless. Confused. Suddenly a bright dark violet shone. A silhouette was flying towards me. I narrowed my eyes to see. It was coming closer. It was a guy flying towards me. He was good looking, fair, he had these black tattoos like almost everywhere, plus he has these eyes that looks evil. He looks like an angel but is actually a devil in the inside. I didn't know who he was but he was wearing this cape that looks like Seto's. "W-who are you? Where am I?"I asked the guy. "So many questions. You know me you just don't remember. I won't hurt you here not now but I can be good even if I am evil. I shall only show you what would happen in the next seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and some of the past. You think you can hide from me? I already knew that you were the one" It was black once again. He was gone but I felt a tight grip. It's eyes were glowing. Wait- this this is the horrible creature I saw when my house was on fire. It vanished. I looked at my left and found James getting kidnapped by this black-winged angel. She also had the same necklace as I did. Is that me? No she had dark blue hair. The next thing I saw was  the team at this room. There was blood. There were girls sitting at a corner, bloody with this iron chains at their hands and feet, they were crying as they were looking at the window with blood. They seemed so familiar.

There were people getting whipped behind the window. I peeked at the window and it was a horrible sight. It was bloody. Too bloody. I started crying it was too horrible.

Again it vanished. I saw my past. My childhood. Darkness again. I saw Jason and I kissing the time I was crying when Ty left me. Beside it, I saw two people standing at this bridge thing they were kissing. Seto? and me? Another showed me and Ty kissing at our room. It wasn't the past. What?

Everything vanished. It was black again. The creature came flying towards me. I fell on my back. I crawled using my elbows and my back. The creature turned into its human form and was above me. He was naked. I closed my eyes but continued to move backwards. Was I getting raped? He slowly forwarded his face but not closing his eyes. His eyes filled with evil, anger, pleasure, and revenge. I twisted my head so that my lips wouldn't crash to his. Again it vanished. He went to his creature form and flew to the violet light that shone again. He turned back and looked at me with and evil grin. "I. AM. HEROBRINE"he boomed. I suddenly woke up and I tried to gasp for air. It was too horrible. I placed the team in great danger because of my family.

Seto's POV

The window blasted open. A great wind made it blast open. I knew what was going to happen. No not now. Not when Lily's here. I tried to ran back downstairs but the all the doors in the room slamed close,plus it was so loud, and locked by itself. There was no escape. The wind suddenly stopped. A dark violet powder-like flew passed through the lights. Every lightbulb broke as it passed through it. We all tried to avoid getting hit by it. Well, this is new. It swirled around this chair and it formed into a human. Well, I guess he now found a way to be human. Guess, I don't have to be possessed anymore. "Hello guys"he said while sitting down at the chair looking at us. He had this evil grin that I will forever remember.

[ON HOLD bc of SERIOUS EDITING] Fairytales [a Team Crafted fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now