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I was running around our track, exhausted after 5 miles. My heart would beat a faster pace than usual, my side hurt and my chest ached. Was I out of shape or what? For still being considered the new girl, even if I've been here for more than a month, I was constantly underestimated. I had to push myself harder than the other students. Each one of them worked smarter, quicker,  and efficiently; you can do that when you have reliable sources and friends around the campus, but when you have to be your own entertainment, you don't have much to rely on.

A hand reached down to me, my back to the grass and my chest rising and falling.

"May I assist you?" A male said in Korean. I was taken back, wondering who the owner of the voice was. I sat up. My eyes could not believe who was standing right in front of me. I mean, I could, I wasn't awe struck or nothing, but this was the man who everyone loved on the base.

The girls would constantly talk about him. His name has never gone unheard on the halls. The fact that he paid attention to me was priceless, a memory no one around us could ever forget.

"Ummm, good afternoon, my name is-" I struggled with my Korean, scratching my head and stuttering.

"It's all good, we can speak your native language if you'd like to," he confidently said in English. I was now awestruck, his hand still waiting in front of me. Was this a prank? A dare, if you will? Well whatever it was, I wasn't amused.

I stared at it oddly, wondering if I should take it or not. Shrugging, I sat up, not taking his offer. "No thanks, I need to practice, I am going to live here, aren't I?" Standing on both feet, I walked away, feeling his gaze at the back of my neck.

My side still hurt, but I managed to walk it off. Limping across the track field, I made it to the stairs, only going up a few steps before being taken aback.

A hand gripped on my wrist, and I turned to see a gentle smile. "Let me at least invite you out to dinner." His touch was... Different from others. I felt as if I had felt it before, a sort of familiarity. He was one of the few people that I didn't want to immediately rip off of once he touched me. I have had a few boyfriends my whole life and the only one I could tolerate was Giovanni, the other ones I ended up breaking up with, whether it was because I didn't stand their annoying Jockish ways, too clingy, rude to everyone, or simply because we fought more than we have been on dates.

"I don't think that's necessary."

"Come on, your name is Kingston, right?"

"Umm, yeah."

"Cool name, but I don't really like your last name."

I raised my eyebrow, turning around completely to face him. "Is that so?"

"I like mine better, you can have it if you want."

A little bold for my taste, I'll even admit he was being really cocky, but I guess I liked that. I guess I've always liked someone who is more dominant than me. "Wow, okay, bold... I like it."

"So is that a yes?"

Time Skip

Sangwoo and I started dating, and it was known across the Academy that we were an item. Not only that, we were the dream team.

We would constantly practice and train, we even did homework together and not get distracted. It warmed my heart when he would remember to bring me hot chocolate or lemonade, all depending on the weather.

Sangwoo would constantly worry for my well-being, telling me to stay hydrated, that he didn't want me to faint in the middle of practice. He also forbid me from skipping my meals.

He would give me hugs from behind, which I've really learned to appreciate. He corrected my Korean a lot and would teach me a lot about the history.

He also liked sleeping at my place, but Ace would always bark at him, and continue until he left. There have been times Ace would bark at Sangwoo until he left, and even before that, he would bark at me. It hurt me to punish Ace, but behavior like that should not be acceptable. Barking even when instructed not to, could potentially become a bad habit, and I wanted to avoid that.

I also couldn't understand why he barked at Sangwoo, maybe his smell?  I don't know, but I had to leave Ace down in the fenced yard while Sangwoo slept over. Sangwoo and I never did anything bad, but he would sleep over once in a while.

I was in the locker room, and it was late at night. Sangwoo and I usually lost track of time when working out together, I mean, he had to stay at the top of our class.

I heard the door open, and I decided to ignore it, knowing it was probably another girl in here to change out of her gym clothes, or a janitor.

I was surprised by two arms sneaking around my waist and a nose on the crook of my neck. Immediately after thinking he was a stranger, I had realized it was my boyfriend, sneaking up on me. "You jerk, least you can do is not scare me to death!" I slapped his hand, smiling and rocking side to side.

"Can't help it, you're too beautiful."

I smiled widely, intertwining my fingers with his. "You're not supposed to be in here."

"Maybe I want to be in here, maybe I secretly wanted to catch you off guard. You should really be careful, what if this wasn't me, what if it was someone dangerous!" He revealed his face, looking slightly worried.

"Maybe I knew you were coming, I can recognize these hands from anywhere." I rubbed them, and he hummed.

"Yeah, well I was a little disappointed to find you fully clothed." I gasped, smacking him upside the head.

"Don't get any ideas!" He chuckled, grabbing my duffle bag and getting out of the building while still holding onto my waist.

"Can't promise anything."

Time Skip

Glad Sangwoo finally found time to invite me to his place for a change, I knocked on the door, hearing a noise inside.

"Sangwoo is everything ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, I just didn't think you would actually come!" He opened the door, his hair a mess and not wearing any shirt. I tilted my head, confused by his statement.

"Why not? It's not like it's my first time hanging out with you." I got on my tippy toes, kissing him softly. "So hi."

"Hey," he smirked, holding me tightly and burying his head in my hair. "I love you."

With the words escaping from my lips, I smiled, hugging his neck tightly. "I love you too."

He chuckled, "you better."

Forces Working //BTS/Jimin Fanfic//Where stories live. Discover now