James Is Questioning His Sexuality

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James and Thomas stumbled into his apartment. They both had a decent few drinks but Thomas was still able to drive like he was sober, surprisingly.
It took James a few tries to unlock the door but he did it in the end.

"Wasn't that fun?" Thomas slurred as he slumped down on the couch, James slipped off his coat lazily and dropped next to Thomas, head falling on his shoulder.
James shook his head but smiled all the while.

"Tomorrow's gonna be hell." He commented, rubbing his tired eyes.
A lot of things blurred together and when James gathered his wits again, he and Thomas had built a fort out of the blankets and pillows.(happened to me once)
Thomas smacked James in the face with a throw cushion before just dropping down beside him on the floor of pillows. (James and I love pillows and we have millions)
James buried his face in the pillows and yawned.

"Don't go to sleep yet, Jemmy James." Thomas whined. They were both slowly and gradually becoming sober, semi responsible beings again.
James groaned and forced Thomas to lay down, drowning them both in blankets.

"Sleep." He demanded before at some point blacking out.

When James awoke the next morning with a killer head ache mind you, he was a messy bundle of blankets in Thomas's arms.
He didn't recall having Thomas's arms wrapped around like so but he couldn't say didn't mind.
For some reason he couldn't bring himself to think of, he snuggled closer, stealing some of Thomas's warmth and feeling it flood to his cheeks.
His head hurt and he felt a little nauseous, the hang over kicking in.
James was thankful it was a Sunday so he didn't miss anymore work.
He sighed heavily and shifted so he was facing Thomas.
He'd planned on trying to wake him, as his watch told him its already twelve o'clock and he figured they needed to get up at some point.
He'd make some tea and get them both a couple of aspirin, but he couldn't do that because instead of Thomas waking, he pulled James closer.

Bright red now, James tried to pull himself from Thomas's grip but his friend was stronger then him.
Sighing, James gave up.

e accepted the fact that he was now stuck in Thomas's arms but in all honesty he kind of enjoyed it.
They laid like that for some time before Thomas began to stir in his sleep and James somewhat panicked.
Quickly but carefully, he tried to move from Thomas's grip and ended up causing the fort to collapse.
The two of them were covered now by at least three layers of blankets.

"Fuck." He heard Thomas mutter as he crawled out from under the blankets. Thomas threw them off and lazily sat up, head in his hands.
James immediately got up and headed for his medicine cabinet. He downed water and some pills before bringing some to Thomas.

"Here," He said, handing Thomas the glass and a couple of tablets.
Thomas smiled tiredly but gratefully.
James checked his watch , it was now one.
He sighed. He really needed to get back to work instead of just letting the days pass by and waste away like this.

"I have work tomorrow." He announced to Thomas, who nodded.

"I have....... Nothing tomorrow." He said, James chuckled at this a little. That made Thomas smile.
"I need to look for a job." He sighed before sculling the rest of the water.

(Storm doesn't know what to write next so she is doing a time skip to the following day.

James entered his work place and placed his things at his desk.
He sighed in relief upon being unable to see Reynolds anywhere, but frowned when hearing his voice.

"Feeling better, Maddie?" He teased with a smug expression, James rolled his eyes.

"Do you even actually work here, or do you just come to annoy me?" James tried to ignore Reynolds but he was just such an annoying dick.

Reynolds hung around a little longer before Washington demanded he got back to work.
James silently thanked him and continued on with his own.

"Finally." He sighed when the digits on his phone told him it was his break. He usually just worked through it but today he decided against at doing so.
Reynolds was getting on his nerves and he needed to speak with Peggy about....things.

He called her and asked to meet up. Agreeing, she suggested the small coffee shop Sally worked at.
He collected his phone and wallet and left, deciding on walking there as he had about an hour's break.
Peggy was sitting at a small table at the back if the cafe when he walked in, she called him over and handed him one of two take away cups she ordered.

"What did you need to speak to me about?" She asked happily with a hint of concern.

"Well, I wanted to... Ask you for some advice." He took a slow sip of his coffee.

"On.... What?"

James hesitated speaking again.

"Use words, James," Peggy smiled softly.

"How do I say this with out sounding like a dick?" He muttered to himself, head in his hands.
"How— How did you know, or when did you know you were Bi?"

Peggy furrowed her brows.
"I... I guess I always have, I mean, I knew I liked girls and guys."

Sighing, James tried to think of another way to ask this but Peggy spoke up again before he could say anything.

"Are you trying to say that you like a guy, James?"

"I... I don't know," Mumbled James a little sadly. Peggy frowned sympathetically.

"If you do like a guy—" She tried to start but James shook his head and protested.

"I can't like him though, I'm straight."
Peggy reached out sympathetically and took his hands in her own, she couldn't help smile a little though.

"If you don't mind me asking," Peggy started. "Who is is that you think you like?"

James mumbled a name that Peggy could just make out.

"Thomas." He mumbled.

"Oh, I knew it!"

"That doesn't help, Peggy."
James sighed and took a long sip from his cup.
He needed to figure this out, he knew he did.

Hey y'all, so sorry I've been dead recently.
This chapter isn't all that good I know but I've had assignments all week.
And my computer is broken so I am writing solely on my phone.
Enjoy, please at least try.

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