very important

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Until further notice, i'm putting this story on hold.

For a while now ive been dealing with some really tough stuff and now, with school stress and everyone going on at home, it's become too much. I thought I could sort it all out and it'd be fine but it's not that easy and I need time. I' m a foster kid and, if you've never been through the system, you probably wouldn't get it but it's a really tough thing for someone to go through and it's just adding to what I have going on now.

I need to clear my head and sort out my shit because it's already worse than it was.

Thanks for reading this so far and I promise I will return to it, I just can't say when. It may be quite a while because I have so much going on and I can barley handle it as it is. But I promise, even if it takes years to get my shit together and for my current depression to pass, ill return to this story.

Thank you and for now, bye.

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