I missed you

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Ollie's POV
I'm driving to Daniel's school, to pick him up after football. Then it happened, a screech and then a bang. A van has collided into my car crushing me. My eyes close and when I open them again I see firefighters and paramedics around me. I recognise one of the paramedics, Iain.
"Iain! Help me. My son is still at school"
"Long time no see Valentine, it's ok we will get you out. Your son will be fine, ok, I will pop down to his school and bring him to the hospital but we need to focus on you"
I have no energy to answer him, I feel my heart racing and the panic boil in my veins.
"Right Ollie, we are taking you to Holby, you know you will be safe there"
I must have gone unconscious again as the next thing I know I'm in the lift and then being pushed up to Darwin.

Zosia's POV

"Jac we have an RTC coming in"
"Your their doctor, I'm busy!" She shouted
Jac has such a short fuse, and I swear it gets shorter and shorter. Once she wouldn't even let me go and pick Freddie up from school when he was sick. Freddie is my son, he is a good lad with a kind heart.
The patient comes in and they are barely recognisable, there was blood all over them.
"Information please" I order
"Oliver Valentine, aged 36, involved in an RTC. Brocken knee and other leg injuries, also possible damage to his spine."
His body was lifeless and his heart beat was weak.
"Thank you Iain" I say
"No problem, I am going to get his son now"
"Ok. Mo can you get someone from AAU, preferably Ms Wolfe."
"On it!" She said as she grabs the phone
"Right Ollie, we are going to fix you"

A while later Iain comes in with a young boy looking very worried.
"Dr March" Iain beckoned me over
"This is Daniel Valentine, Ollie's lad"
"Ok thank you"
Iain walked away and left the young boy with me.
"Is dad ok?"
"He is in surgery right now, I think he will be alright, you and your mum will have to take good care of him"
"I don't have a mum, she died"
"I'm sorry to hear that Daniel, I might be able to help you. You dad will be here for a while. I will talk to him when he comes back and if he has woken up."
I let him sit in the staff room with some chocolate biscuits and a football magazine. Ollie came back from surgery and I went to check on him.
"How are you feeling Ollie?"
"I ache so much. How are you? I haven't seen you since..."
"I'm ok. Going through a lot but otherwise I'm alright"
"Where is Daniel?"
"Staff room, he told me about his mum."
"His mum is Tara. She died just after he was born. Have you got any kids?"
"Yeah, one. His name is Freddie"
"I missed you"
"That's not what you said at the time"
"Zosia, I'm sorry about what happened all those years ago"
"I need to go check on Daniel"

I walked away and went to the locker room. Ollie broke my heart. Then I was vulnerable, and Seb took advantage of me. I'm divorcing him, he abused me and Freddie so he doesn't deserve us.
I go back out to the ward and see that Ollie has gone to get his broken bones in plaster. I go to see Daniel.
"Hi Dr March!"
"Hello, your Dad will be out soon so do you want to wait on the chair by his bed?"
I took him out of the staff room and guided him to the chair.
"He won't be long, he is being plastered up"
"Ok thank you"

Daniel looks so much like Ollie. Beautiful blue eyes and spikey hair. Cute, not that Ollie is cute, ok maybe. I don't know anymore!

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