Still the same

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Zosia's POV

I'm just leaving home to go and get Ollie. The boys are decorating the house to welcome him back, Daniel has missed him so much- tears every night.
I walk onto Darwin remembering not to go straight into the locker room. I'm so excited to get my Ollie back home hasn't been the same without him.
I walk into his side bay and see him asleep.
"Oi! Wake up lazy bones" I said
"Huh? Zosia!" Ollie said as his eyes opened. He put his arms up for a hug and I sat on the edge of his bed and hugged him back.
"I just want to go home" Ollie said
"I just want you to come home" I said
"Come on then"
"I will just quickly speak to Jac and see if you can go now"
Ollie nodded and I went to find Jac. I found her in her office.
"Knock knock" I said because the door was open
"Dr March"
"Hi I was just wondering if Ollie can come home now?"
"Yes, he can. Oh and Zosia..."
"Don't come to work until Ollie can at least walk"
"Ok. Thank you Jac"
It's nice to know she actually cares.
"Come on then Mr Valentine" I said.
Ollie smiled as I tried to help him into the wheelchair.
"Blimey your heavy" I said
"Well you keep feeding me" he joked. It's good to see that even through all of this, Ollie is still the same.
We were acting like kids with that wheelchair, as doctors we should know better but you can't resist a bit of fun!
"Onwards slave!" Ollie was saying
"Nee nor nee nor!" I was making siren noises.

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