My ways

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Zosia's POV

I woke up to Ollie's snoring so I gave him a poke in the ribs.
"You were snoring"
"Well thanks for letting me know"
"It's 6 am anyway, we need to go to work in an hour"
Ollie rolled over and fell out of bed.
I just laughed at him and got up myself, without hurting myself...

Dom has the day off so he is sorting out the boys. Me and Ollie are on our way to work.

We get to the 6th floor to be meted by Matteo.
"Good morning" he said
"Morning" we answered
We went straight into the locker room and got on our navy blue scrubs.
"I can't believe that in two months we will be married" Ollie said
"Yeah. I can't wait"
"Who have you invited?"
"You will see"
"Zosia!" Ollie wined
"Tell me"
"Nope. I'm having it my way this time"
"I don't like your ways" Ollie said smiling
And with that I blew him a kiss and walked out of the door.

Matteo showed me to my first patient. She was called Holly Moore, she was born with a heart murmur that hasn't fixed itself so I will be doing a small procedure on it with Dr Ford.
"Hello Holly, my name is Dr March"
"So just a few questions, how old are you?"
"And do you know why you are here today?"
"I'm having surgery on the hole in my heart"
"Good, just one more thing. Where are your parents?"
"I live with my best friend and his family, they didn't accept my ways if you get me"
"Ok, I will just go and read your notes and then I will come and prep you for theatre"

I was reading through her notes to see her medical history. She had a past of self harm but it looks like she is clean.
"Ok Holly, this nurse is going to take you to theatre, I will be operating on you with Dr Ford"

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