New House

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Zosia's POV

It's been a few months since we put an offer in for that house. I am happy to say that it was accepted! Our house has been sold and we are moving in today. I'm so excited!!! So are the boys.

We hired a van to take all of the boxes we have been packing for the last few weeks. Ollie is driving the van and Dom is taking the boys in his car. I'm in our car with a few of the boxes.

The journey wasn't that long. Our new house is on the other side of Holby City, a few minutes further away from the Hospital.

We got there and just stood outside the door at awe of the place.
"It's beautiful" I said
"Can we go in?" Daniel said impatiently
"Ok, go and find your room" Ollie said as he unlocked the door.
The kids ran in and went straight upstairs where we showed to their rooms.

Ollie then went with Dom to get all of the boxes. I began to unpack the kitchen things while the boys unpacked their toys.

Ollie and Dom walked in carrying the largest of our two sofas and as soon as they put it down, I sat on it.
"Tired already?" Ollie said
"I am pregnant!" I said
He put his hands up in mo k surrender and went back out to get the last sofa out. He said it's the last thing in the van.

That evening

Dom has just finished building the boys beds and Ollie is unpacking boxes. The boys are in the garden playing football. We are so nearly done with the unpacking. It's quite exciting! 

Dom and Ollie come into the living room.
"We're done!" They both said
"Yay" I clapped my hands
The boys also came in and sat on the sofa.
"You too better get to bed" I said
"Ok" Freddie said, he ran upstairs with Daniel not far behind
We all went upstairs to bed as it was getting late. I went to say goodnight to everyone. As I was going down the corridor looking at the rooms I opened the door that was opposite my room and saw it empty. I then realised that in 6 months a little baby will be in there.

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