Stopping you

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Ollie's POV

"Zosia!" I called
"What's up?"
"Nothing just come here!"
She walked into the living room and her eyes sparkled as she saw what I wanted her to see.
"Ollie! You can walk" she squealed
I took a few steps towards her and gave her a hug. I was a bit unsteady but I can walk. Zosia kissed me and I did a strange dance to show I can balance.
"I'm so proud of you Ollie"
"Thanks for everything Zosh"
"I need to get back to tidying, you can help now"
"Oh yay" I said sarcastically

Dom, Daniel and Freddie came home and they had a bit of a shock when we told them that Guy is coming for dinner.
"Are you mad the man nearly killed you!" Dom said
"I'm scared of Grandad" Freddie said
"Me too" Daniel mumbled
"It will be fine, trust me ok"
"Ok" they all said
"Go get changed into your best clothes and come down and help mum" I said

Then Guy arrived.

There was a knock at the door and Dom went to get it.
"Mr Self, come in"
"Thank you"
Guy walked in and everyone just stared at him in silence.

We had our dinner and the boys went up to bed early because they wanted to be away from their Grandad. Then conversation started.
"Dad we need to talk" Zosia said
"Go on then"
"Me and Ollie plan to have our wedding this summer."
"Well this is the part when you normally intimidate Ollie"
"Look I have changed"
"Clearly" Zosia said under her breath
"I'm sorry Ollie" Guy said
"Apology accepted" I said civilly

Zosia went upstairs as Jacob started to cry and Dom was in the kitchen doing the dishes.
That left me and Guy alone.

"How dare you" Guy said
"Your not good enough for her Valentine, you have already ruined her"
"I love your daughter and she loves me, we are happy"
Guy stood up and so did I.
"Look at you, weak!" Guy muttered
"I only started walking today"
"Well your going down again"
Guy raised his hand and went to punch me but Dom ran in and held his arm back.
"What are you doing Copeland?"
"Stopping you. Zosia! Now!"
She ran down the stairs and pushed her Dad out of the front door.
"You will have nothing to do with me, Ollie, our boys, the wedding or anything! Go away before I report everything that has happened" Zosia shouted

She came back into the living room and burst into tears.
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be" I said
"Not going to lie Zosh, you dad is a prick and we don't need him" Dom said making us all slightly smile.

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