Food of gods

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Ollie's POV

Us boys have been home for about 20 minutes now. We put on a film and all crashed into the sofa. I think me, Ethan and Dom were the most exhausted.
I looked out of the window to see Morven's car come along and then Zosia climbing out before waving goodbye.
I got Daniel to open the door for her and she came in like a light in a dark cave.
"What's wrong with you lot" she asked
"Ask them." Ethan said pointing at the boys.
"I can't believe that three men can't handle three boys. I normally do it on my own" she said
"Good for you" Dom said under his breath
"Lets just say that I think you purposely gave them sweets this morning"
"Rumbled" Freddie giggled
"Shhh!" Zosia laughed

Zosia came and sat next to the boys on the smaller sofa. Dom was asleep on my shoulder and Ethan kept yawning.
"I better get going" Ethan said
Zosia waved him off because I couldn't move and then she came back in with a smile on her face.
"Why are you so happy?"
"I had an idea"
"What is it Zosia?"
"Ordering pizza"

The pizza came and Zosia took a slice and waved it under Dom's nose.
It was so funny to see him wake up. As soon as he did he took the slice and took a massive bite out of it.
"Food of gods" he said
I have to agree!

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