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Zosia's POV

I hate my Dad! How can he even think about doing this again? Ollie wants to go to bed so I am helping him get up the stairs.
"One more step Ollie" I said
"Did it" he whispered
"Just think, going down will be easier"
"Yeah I could go down on my arse"
I laughed and then shut up remembering the boys were asleep.

Me and Ollie tucked into bed and went to sleep.


"Stop! Stop! No, go away"

"Zosia! Wake up!" Ollie called
I opened my heart eyes
"Zosh you were dreaming"
"It was about Dad..."
"You don't need to explain if you don't want to, come here"
He hugged me and kissed my cheek.
We laid back down again and Ollie had his arms around me forming a protective barrier between me and my nightmares.

The alarm went off, and when I say alarm, I mean Jacob screaming his head off.
"What happened to our miracle child" I said to him
He replied with a lot of untranslatable gargles and noises.
"Let's get you some food"

We went downstairs and I put Jacob in his high chair and gave him his bottle.

I then heard a load of bumps and went to the stairs to see if everything is ok but all I saw was Ollie. He had Daniel on his back and Freddie on Daniel's. Bum shuffling down the stairs giggling and telling their Dad to go faster. They got to the bottom and the boys got off and ran to wake Dom up. I helped Ollie up and he whispered in my ear
"We are going wedding shopping today Mrs Valentine to be"
"Ok hubby to be, I only have til the end of the week at home so we better make the most of it"
Ollie smiled with his eyes then walked effortlessly into the kitchen to get his breakfast.

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