The wedding 3

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Ollie's POV

We went to the village hall for the party 'fashionably late' as Jacob had a bit of an issue in the hotel room. When I say issue I mean he had a number 2 after us getting him all ready to go.

We got out of the car and the two boys ran in to find Uncle Dom. Me, Zosia and Jacob went in to a hall filled with cheers and laughter.
"Thanks for coming everyone" Zosia said
We sat down at the end of the hall with the kids on one side of us and Dom, Ethan and Morven on the other.
We had our meal and the Ethan stood up to make his best mans speech.
"Right ok, so my job is to embarrass Ollie as much as I can because I'm the best man and he said I could put whatever I want in my speech.
I have known Ollie for a while now, we met at secondary school. I could tell you the stories that Ollie doesn't want to hear again but I'm feeling nice so I won't put him through that torture of telling everyone that he had a crush on the cow that was our headmistress. Oops!"
I gave Ethan a look saying oh my god you didn't but he just laughed alongside everyone else in the room.
"I'm going to take this moment to thank you for everything you have done for me and it has been an honour to be your best man. Zosia, when I first met you it was at your old flat when you lived with Dom and Arthur. I remember how bored you were of mine and Arthur's Napoleon box set we put on." Ethan started to well up so he ended it by just saying
"Anyway, to the bride and groom."
The room filled with more cheers and more clapping.

Zosia's POV

I am glad Ethan mentioned Arthur, because he is still here in our hearts but I just wish he was really here because he could have walked me up the aisle too.
I looked over at Dom and he smiled back then stood up.

"Zosia Zosia Zosia! You are an amazing, strong woman. I don't know where I would be without you and I want to thank you, for literally everything. You always make me smile even if I don't want to. We have had tough times together and it is great to see you happy, thanks to Ollie. Like Ethan, I could expose a few dark secrets but unlike Ethan I'm not going to"
There were a lot of giggles around the room
"Put your hands together for the bride and groom, mr and Mrs Valentine"
Everyone clapped, even little Jacob who was quite amused with what was going on.

Ollie then stood up and said a few words
"Just a quick one from me just to say some thank you's. Firstly, thank you to all of you that have arrived today. Also thank you to Ethan, my best man, just you wait until you get married! Thanks to Dom and Morven as well, you have done a lot for us. I also want to say thank you to my three little monkeys, Freddie, Daniel and Jacob, thanks for not being cheeky and thanks for just being you. And last but certainly not least thank you to Zosia, you have completed me. You planned all of this and it has been the best day of my life. I love you so much Wifey! Ok, everyone lets get partying! We have a disco and some karaoke so enjoy your night"

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