Falling for him

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Ollie's POV

I get pushed back to the ward and see Daniel there.
"Daniel! I love you so so much"
I see Zosia stood at the end of the bed.
"I'm afraid you will be here a while, to monitor your heart"
"Daniel can't really stay here, is there anyone that can look after him?"
"Nope, I have nobody."
She starts to walk away.
"Wait!" I shout
"Can he stay with you?"
"We will see."
Again Zosia starts to walk away.
"Yes Mr Valentine?"
"Daniel go get something out of the vending machine, Zosia, shut the curtains."
She did as I said and shut the curtains that went around the bed.
"What is it Ollie"
"Come, sit. Zosia I..I..."
"Spit it out!"
"I love you" I said quietly
"You what?"
"I love you!" I said louder this time

Zosia's POV

Immediately I feel myself falling for him again. He kissed me and I kissed him. It's like nothing ever happened between us.
"I will look after Daniel, and you. Ok?"
Later on my shift finished and I went to get Daniel from Ollie.
"Thank you Zosh"
"No problem. How old are you Daniel?"
"6" he said
"My Freddie is 6 too, I think you will both get on"
"Cool! Bye Dad!"
"Bye son."

I took him home and then showed him to the spare bedroom. After having a play with Freddie I sent them to bed and gave them a kiss goodnight.
I went to my room and thought about Ollie. I have always loved him, but he hurt me. Am I ready to be with him again?

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