The penny dropped

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Zosia's POV

Me and Ollie went to pick the kids up after getting some food and going into other shops.
Mrs Biden, the receptionist, came and unlocked the gate.
"Hello Zosia, Ollie!" The cheery voice said
"Good afternoon Penny" I said
She walked back into the school with her high heels clicking.
We stood by the fence where we usually do and waited for the boys to come out.
The youngest class came out first, it's cute to see little legs running to there mums or dads.
Then Freddie and Daniel came racing across the playground. They jumped on us and Daniel nearly made Ollie fall over.
"Watch out little man, your getting heavy" I said
"I'm not! I'm the smallest in my class" he protested
"Ok, just be careful"
"Mum!" Freddie piped up
"I got a house point today"
"What was that for?" I asked
"It was for maths, I can do my six times tables"
We walked back to the car and the whole way there Freddie was counting up in six's. I am really impressed with him, he is only seven years old and he is doing really well in school, even though he gets into trouble sometimes...

We got into the car and put on our seat belts.
"On Saturday, we are all going suit shopping" Ollie announced
"Cool!" Daniel said
"Is Dom coming?" Freddie asked
"Yes" I said
"All of us boys are going" Ollie said
"What about mum?" Freddie questioned
"I will be going dress shopping while you lot cause havoc in the suit shop" I laughed, "Good luck Ollie" I said
"I think I'm going to need it"

That evening

"Ollie there is one more thing I need you to do for the wedding"
"What is it?" He asked
"Choose you best man"

Ollie's POV

I can't pick Dom because he is giving Zosia away. Who else? Then the penny dropped. I picked up my phone and called him.
"Hey Ollie how are you?"
"Good thanks, I need you to do something for me?"
"Ok, what is it?"
"I need you to write a speech and stand with me on my wedding day"
"What do you mean?"
"Will you be my best man Ethan?"
"Of course I will Ollie! When are we going suit shopping?"
"Are you working tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow it is then. We will pick you up from yours"
"Sure, see you then"

An Old FlameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora