The wedding 4

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Ollie's POV

Zosia and I are about to do our first dance.
The DJ makes the announcement,
"Clear the floor! It's time for the first dance!"
Everyone emptied the floor and it was just me and Zosia.
James Arthur's say you won't let go came on and me and Zosia did a little slow dance.
"I love you Ollie" Zosia whispered
"I love you more" I answered
"Haha, say you won't let go" Zosia sang
"I won't ever let go Zosh"

Then our three boys came along and joined in on our dance. Zosia picked up Jacob who was crawling around and I lifted Freddie and Daniel. It was really special having the boys with us. We all did a kind of 'group hug' dance and the boys were singing along too.

The dance had finished and the karaoke had started. I was first with Dom and Ethan singing bohemian rhapsody. Let's just say, there might have been a few burst eardrums.
Zosia went next with a very drunk Naylor singing you've got a friend in me. Jac drunk is the best thing ever.
Everyone had a go on the karaoke machine, even Elliot and Henrik! They sang love shack, classic!
Dom noticed that Lofty hadn't had a go so he pulled him up to the front. Lofty gave in and sang I want it that way by the backstreet boys and he was amazing! Who knew that a shy man like him had a voice like that. He was the best hands down.

The night had ended and we are now at home. The boys are asleep in their rooms and me and Zosia as laying in bed unable to sleep from all the excitement of the day.

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